There are situations and time periods in life when not all decisions are made by us. Even in such cases, you can use certain techniques that will prevent you from letting everything go to waste.
Marketing specialist, author of the MONEY&MIND financial thinking system.
In any unclear situation, I adhere to five basic rules.
The first rule is to limit the information we consume. We learn about external circumstances from specific sources, and here we need to answer the questions: who am I communicating with, where am I getting information from, is it verified and do I need it. With the speed of life processes that we have now, a person can fall into the FOMO syndrome (fear of missing out), which is the fear of missing out, the fear of being left in the dark and missing out on something.
This condition leads us into uncontrolled consumption of content that distracts us from our own lives. The important thing here is to track and how you react to incoming information. If something takes you out of an effective state, the best solution is to create an information vacuum for a while.
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The second rule is to give yourself quality rest. This is something that we do not allow ourselves now, most of the time, again because of the fear of not having time to achieve some results. But this is an illusion, because it is quality rest and, as a consequence, a relaxed body give us a greater resource for generating ideas and putting them into practice.
The third rule is to calm the mind. It is the restless mind that prevents us from resting. And quality rest is not about physically lying down but continuing to browse social media or reading professional literature. Rest should be at the level of the body as well as at the level of the mind.
Different ways will work here, and everyone can choose something different: meditations, walks, time alone. In a state of calm and clear mind we are able to determine which ideas are really ours and what needs to be realized, and which ones will just take our attention and energy.
The fourth rule is to look for personal ways to fill up with resource. For some people it will be hiking in the park or contemplating the running clouds lying on the grass, and some people are energized when they go out and communicate with people. When a person directs attention to his state, the focus shifts from external circumstances to internal processes.
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The fifth rule is to listen to the inner voice and develop intuition. If all the previous points can be realized, the last one will be very easy to implement. It will help to hear yourself: what I want, what is relevant to me, where I should move. Concentration on your feelings and desires will allow you to find a state of inner calm and confidence, regardless of external circumstances.