5 simple exercises that will reduce fatigue in your body and stretch your muscles

5 simple exercises that will reduce fatigue in the body and stretch your muscles

A set of exercises for relaxation after a hard day’s work or “skating” on a snowy slope.

Everyone knows that to avoid injuries, before any physical activity you need a proper warm-up. Snowboarding is no exception. At the large-scale snowboard festival Quiksilver New Star Camp in Sochi, we learned five basic exercises that can be used as a warm-up. Anna Orlova, a Roxy rider, vice world freeride champion, winner and medalist of Freeride World Tour stages, as well as other international and Russian freeride competitions, shared the secrets of proper stretching.

Hal-asana, or plow pose

Lie on your back, arms stretched out with palms facing the floor. Raise your legs and put them behind your head, trying to straighten them and touch the floor with your toes. If you can’t touch the floor with straight legs, let your feet hang in the air. Slowly return to the starting position.

This basic exercise will help stretch your spine, which is very important when skating. Your neck also gets tired from wearing a helmet for long periods of time, this way you will take the strain off it.

Adho mukha shvanasana, or downward facing dog.

Lean toward the floor so that you can reach with your palms. Take a big step back with both feet. Arch your back. Keep your feet tightly pressed to the floor, push off with your hands so that the body feeds backwards. The main thing is to keep your knees straight.

While doing this exercise blood rushes to the head, the feeling of well-being improves, the spine is stretched.

Eka pada rajkapotasana, or pigeon pose

Lean your palms towards the floor and take a step back with one foot. Bend the other leg at the knee and turn the foot to the opposite side. To complicate the exercise, you can bend over to the leg with your arms stretched out in front of you. Repeat on the other leg.

This pose stretches the leg muscles well, allowing you to maneuver more easily on the slopes and not feel excessive strain.

Quadriceps stretch on one knee

Stand on one knee, grasp the ankle of the leg behind you with your hand. Smoothly pull it towards you.

The exercise will take care of the muscles of the lumbar region and the front of the thigh.

Uttanasana, bent-over foot pose

The feet are parallel to each other. Tilt your straight body toward your feet and straddle your knees. Keep your back and neck relaxed. Without bending your legs, stay in this pose for about 10-15 seconds.

This pose is good for relaxing the back, activating blood circulation and relaxing clamps.

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