Our life does not stand still – every day there are new technologies, industries and cultural phenomena that inevitably change our vocabulary. We offer to get acquainted with nine new words and understand where they came from and what they mean.
This is a word you may not have known, but it is what you do every night. Doomscrolling (from doom – “doom, doom, doom, doom, doomsday” and scrolling – “scrolling”) is the tendency to scroll through news feeds and online resources in search of bad news or any information that creates a negative picture of the world.
The concept itself emerged during the coronavirus pandemic and has become extremely popular in recent years.
The word comes from the English word “share” – to share. Sharing – to share some goods or services. This concept is based not only on saving money or time resources, but also on concern for the environment.
What types of sharing are popular today:
- carsharing – renting cars and other means of transportation;
- Roadsharing – traveling with fellow travelers;
- Buildsharing – exchange of leftover building materials;
- fleetsharing and coliving – renting or sharing a home with neighbors;
- swaps – events where people can exchange things.
Learn some more new words in this piece.
Another word that came to us with the pandemic. It is a person who not only denies the positive effects of vaccination, but also actively spreads information about the harm and uselessness of vaccines. Today, antivaxers are called anyone who refuses any vaccination, even for medical reasons.
The etymology of the word is not completely known, but the closest to the truth are those who call it a derivative of the simple “antivaccine”.
The word came from the English “donate” – donate, give. In our realities, zadonatit – voluntarily provide material assistance on the Internet, thank someone, gratuitously transfer money.
The closest to the definition of “donate” are such terms as charity, patronage, sponsorship and donation.
The word comes from the English word “to bite someone’s style” – to copy someone’s style. Another word that came from hip-hop: to imitate someone’s style. Bite style as a whole, rather than individual elements.
And with the current speed of information dissemination, the question of who is a trendsetter and who bytes it, has all chances to remain unanswered. Anyone who wears a size-less down jacket can be said to be a Rihanna bait. However, there’s nothing wrong with baiting celebrities – that’s why they’re celebrities.
This is a form of psychological abuse in which one person denies what happened, trying to make the other person doubt their own memories and changing their perception of reality. A gaslighter is a true psychological abuser who devalues the victim’s feelings and emotions. Gaslighting can be intentional or not and manifest itself in absolutely different spheres of life.
He owes his appearance to the movie “Gaslight” in 1944. In the story, a conniving spouse manipulates the mind of a young wife, forcing her to believe she is mentally ill in order to take possession of an inheritance.
Everyone with at least a little bit of social media activity has come across this acronym. This abbreviation was borrowed from the English language and stands for “Point of view”, which translates as “point of view”.
The word appeared in TikTok, where guys create videos, the purpose of which is to convey the mood of this or that phenomenon, movie, performer or game. Later English POV was Russified and turned into ironic “pov”. The meaning has not changed.
The word came from the merger of the English words “binge” – binge and “watch” – watch. In Russian, it translates as “drunken watching”.
Bingjvotchit – wait until a full season of your favorite show comes out and watch it all, in a sweat, freeing up a whole day or even a few for this.
The words sizzle and sizzle come from the word “relationship”, which in English means relationship.
To schipper is to imagine that a certain pair of characters from a book, movie, or TV series are in a romantic relationship, and to fantasize about that relationship.