A trend in the fitness world. What HIIT workouts are and who they are suitable for

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has been conducting extensive research and compiling an annual list of fitness trends for 14 years. In both 2019 and 2020, HIIT workouts made it to the top. They have long won the love of athletes and, apparently, are not going to give up their positions. What is the essence of the popular method and who it is suitable for, let’s find out together with World Class trainer Alexander Karpov.

HIIT training: what is it and for whom?

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT, or HIIT in Russian) is a high-intensity interval training consisting of intensive series of exercises and active rest between them.

HIIT can include strength and aerobic exercise of different types. It is suitable for fans of functional training and those who prefer high motor density training.

Such exercises are quite energy-consuming, they allow you to burn a sufficient number of calories per workout. In addition, in terms of weight loss, HIIT will be more effective than longer, but less intense sessions – scientists from the UK and Brazil have found out. This is primarily due to the change in metabolic rate.

“WIIT can lead to greater energy expenditure already after exercise – metabolism can accelerate throughout the following day after the end of the workout,” explained Nils Vollard, a specialist in sports and fitness disciplines from the University of Stirling. The doctor’s words are quoted by the BBC Russian service.

The right training heart rate

To maximize the benefits of HIIT, it is important to calculate your training heart rate. Ideally, it is necessary to undergo sports testing with a specialist, where he will determine the adequate heart rate zones, taking into account all the nuances. If such an opportunity is not available, then you can use the Karvonen method. To do this, you need to determine the maximum HR, resting HR and reserve HR.

Maximum HR = 220 – age (Cooper formula).

HR reserve = maximal HR – resting HR.

Training HR =exercise intensity * HR reserve + resting HR.

Load intensity:
– 40-60% – warm-up;
– 60-70% – special warm-up and the main part of the training, optimal for training “for health”;
– 70-80% – fat-burning zone, the main part of the workout.

Intensity of 70-80% is suitable for the majority of trainees, and 80-90% – for already trained people and athletes.

Can HIIT be practiced by beginners?

I would not recommend using HIIT from scratch. As a minimum, you need to go through a preparatory stage, to master the technique of exercises. The exercises themselves can be selected to suit a particular person, taking into account his or her health condition.

The same applies to the intensity of training, i.e. the training heart rate. It is possible to build a session in the HIIT format, but maintain the pace and choose the complexity of exercises, weight of weights, time and type of active rest, based on health, fitness and training experience.

Complex of exercises for the whole body

In our case, HIIT training consists mainly of strength exercises. From the inventory you will need two small weights, but if you do not have them – no big deal. Any objects that can be held at home will do: water bottles or bags filled with something.

Other workouts for different muscle groups can be found on our instagram, in the current “Be in shape”.

Front squat with kettlebells

Starting position: standing, legs slightly wider than shoulder width, cortical muscles tensed, spine position fixed. Arms are bent in front of you and hold kettlebells at the level of shoulder joints.

Maintaining the position of the spine, perform a squat and at the same time resting on the middle of the arch of the foot. Return to the starting position.

Kettlebell press with two hands

Starting position: as in the previous exercise.

Perform the kettlebell press upwards. Extending the arms, turn the shoulders and forearms outward. Then return to the starting position.

Kettlebell push-ups

Starting position: lying down on the kettlebells, the spine is fixed in an anatomically correct position, shoulder blades are brought to each other.

Lower down by bending the arms at the elbows with maximum amplitude and return to the starting position.

Pulling two weights in an incline

Starting position: standing in an incline, back flat, spine fixed, hands holding weights and calmly “dangling”.

Bending the arms at the elbows, simultaneously pull the kettlebells to the waist and connect the shoulder blades. Then return to the starting position.

Jumping Jack

Starting position: standing, feet hip-width apart, arms along the body.

Jumping spread legs wider than shoulder width, and straight arms are raised up above the head. Return to the starting position.

Perform the workout in 3-6 circles. The time to change position between exercises is 10 seconds.

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