We want to always be young, vigorous and healthy. But time passes, the date of birth in the passport does not change, and gradually the thoughts of approaching old age begin to creep into our heads… But more often than not, we push the deadline ourselves. Sometimes without even thinking about it.
psychologist, coach, blogger
What is the feeling of old age from a psychological point of view? What moments influence our perception of it and how to work with them? Let’s go through them in order.
We start to feel old when:
- we stop developing;
- we become less active;
- we get mentally stuck in the past;
- we stop thinking about a bright future;
- we burden ourselves with negative attitudes.
And it can happen quite early. It is not uncommon to meet young people who consider themselves deep old men.
إن last point – about attitudes – is one of the most harmful. The fact is that it is most often about the ideas of our moms, dads, grandparents. Most often they are crystallized in the form of universal worldly wisdom. And this is the most dangerous.
What attitudes can age you without having any direct relation to your life? And most importantly – how to get rid of them?
1. “At my age it is impossible”
This attitude gives us a sense of doom. It seems to us that it is too late to change something. For example, getting a new profession, starting a business, building happy relationships, improving your body.
What to do?
If you find yourself with this attitude, it is important to find success stories of other people in your environment or on the Internet. Show yourself that everything is real. You can change your life for the better at any age.
2. “It used to be better.”
This attitude shifts the focus of attention to the past. We feel like we’ve missed opportunities that aren’t there now (and, oh boy, won’t be there anymore).
Examples of bemoaning the past:
- Travel prices used to be lower;
- there was less competition at work;
- there was more time to see friends.
The list is huge. It is limited only by the level of your personal nerdiness.
What to do?
Realize that they haven’t invented a time machine yet. We can’t go back in time. Let’s say things were better before. But that won’t help you live happily in the here and now. It’s time to honestly answer the question, “What can I do to make my future better than my present?”
3. “Where I was born, I’m useful.”
This attitude is usually inherited from parents. And it’s not just about where you live. It is also about working at the same job all your life, communicating with the same people, going on vacation to the same place.
It used to be that way, but the world has changed. And if we do not expand our horizons and do not change anything, we gradually begin to feel that we are in “Groundhog Day”. And routine is definitely not about rejuvenation.
What to do?
In such a situation, it would be a mistake to drastically and dramatically change everything. For us, any change (even positive) is stressful. It’s better to start making a little variety in your life: take a course on an interesting topic, meet new people, go to a new place.
Gradually you will want more and more new impressions. You will feel that life is playing with bright colors. And this definitely leads to youth.
4. “The clock is ticking.”
Most often this attitude arises in our heads because of the constant imposition of some templates and stereotypes from society. Relatives say that it is time to marry or get married. Friends insistently urge to have children. Social networks are beckoning successful 18-year-old millionaires. It begins to seem that time is running at breakneck speed, and we are lagging behind.
What do we do?
Try to abstract yourself from conventional norms and take a sober look at your desires. Write out what you really want right now, and what can wait. Remember that everything has its time, and this time you have the right to choose yourself.
5. “It’s only for the young.”
We usually use such phrases when we are too lazy to deal with something new: gadgets, social networks, etc. The excuse may be that it is a pity to waste time and energy on learning something that will soon be gone.
But there is a catch – if we do the same thing all the time (on automatic), the brain stops working actively and starts to age.
What to do?
If you have this phrase in your head, make an upgrade and say, “This is for me. After all, I will never be as young as I am now.” Load your brain with new knowledge. Let new neural connections be created in your brain. And always feel young.