You need to know how to distribute the load correctly. One way is to do workouts that work several muscle groups at once. While you are working on one, the others are resting. Thus, for a week of regular training, you can load almost the entire body. We suggest starting with a complex that will work your back, as well as arms and oblique muscles of the abs.
Shows effective exercises for strengthening the back, working out arm and waist muscles.
Walking on the spot with high lifting of knees
- Take in your hands light dumbbells weighing about 1 kg. Place your feet at the level of the hip joints. Extend your arms upwards in a V shape.
- As you exhale, lift your left knee up, at the same time bend your arms at the elbows, bringing your shoulder blades together.
- وأثناء الشهيق عودي إلى وضعية البداية.
- When performing the exercise, alternate legs, breathe evenly.
Perform 15 repetitions.
Elbow-knee from standing position
- Shift your body weight to the right leg, pull the left leg sideways and keep it in the balance. This time, extend only one arm upwards, the other arm is at your waist.
- As you exhale, bend your left leg and pull your knee up and sideways. Bend your left arm at the elbow and try to touch your knee with it. As you bend, the elbow of the working arm goes to the side, not forward.
- وأثناء الشهيق عودي إلى وضعية البداية.
- Do not change the working arm and leg.
Perform 10 repetitions. Without taking a break, walk in place with knees high for 15 repetitions, including both arms and alternating legs at the same time. After that, do an elbow-to-elbow knee touch on the other side. Also for 10 reps.
Push-ups from the knees
- Stand in a supine position, knees down on the floor, straighten your back.
- Inhale, bend your elbows and perform a push-up.
- وأثناء الزفير عودي إلى وضعية البداية.
- Elbows during push-ups should go to the sides, not along the body.
- Perform the exercise at a relaxed pace, without jerks.
- You can also do push-ups with your knees off the floor, if your training allows you.
Perform eight repetitions. After you are waiting for another approach with modification: put your left hand aside and perform a push-up, then put your hands close together and, this time putting your right hand aside, perform a push-up. You should get push-ups with “steps” with your hands. Perform eight repetitions.
Swallow on all fours
- Stand on all fours, put your palms under your shoulders, pull your stomach up.
- Extend your left arm forward and your right leg back. If you find it difficult to keep your balance, you can keep your foot on the floor and just extend it. Keep your gaze downward.
- Bend your left arm, bringing your elbow back and bringing your shoulder blades together.
- العودة إلى وضعية البداية.
- The right leg remains extended throughout the exercise.
Perform 10 repetitions.
Pushing the body out with the arm from a lying position
- Lie on your left side, legs can be either extended or slightly bent.
- Bend your right arm at the elbow and rest it on the floor. The left arm can be placed around your waist or you can grab the triceps of the working arm.
- As you exhale, straighten your right arm, thus lifting your body off the floor.
- وأثناء الشهيق عودي إلى وضعية البداية.
- At the bottom point do not touch the floor with your shoulder.
Perform 10 repetitions.
Elbow and knee in side plank
- Place your left hand and left knee on the floor.
- Straighten your right leg and extend your right arm above you. You can take a dumbbell to complicate the exercise.
- As you exhale, bend your right leg and arm and reach your elbow toward the knee of the working leg.
- وأثناء الشهيق عودي إلى وضعية البداية.
Perform another approach of pushing your body out with your arm from a lying position for 10 reps on the other side of your body. After that, do another elbow and knee bend in a side plank for 10 reps. Same for the other side.
- Lie on your stomach, arms and legs extended.
- As you exhale, slowly pull your right arm and left leg off the floor and extend them upwards.
- As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.
- Perform the same movement, but this time raise your left arm and right leg respectively.
- As you perform the exercise, stretch your muscles. The neck is an extension of the spine, so don’t bend it down too much and don’t arch it up.
Perform 10 repetitions.
Dry swimming on the stomach
- Lie on your stomach, arms and legs off the floor and extend. Look downward.
- Synchronously start quickly alternate raising and lowering your arms and legs, imitating swimming.
- Do not slow down, perform the exercise equally fast over the entire distance.
Perform the exercise for 15 seconds.
Elbow bend from the supine position
- Lie on your stomach, put your forehead on the floor, arms and legs extended.
- As you exhale, lift your chest off the floor, bend your arms with your elbows to the sides, bringing your shoulder blades together.
- وأثناء الشهيق عودي إلى وضعية البداية.
Perform 10 repetitions. Do the same exercise, but this time with a modification: while lifting your chest off the floor and bringing your shoulder blades together, lift your legs at the same time. Perform five repetitions.
Raising arms from a supine position
- Lie on your stomach, put your forehead on the floor, stretch your arms out to the sides. Point your thumbs upwards.
- As you exhale, lift up and bring your shoulder blades together.
- As you inhale, lower yourself back to the starting position.
- While raising your arms, keep your forehead and chest on the floor, you should be in a static position, only your arms are working.
Perform 20 repetitions. Do another approach, but this time lift your head and chest off the floor and hold yourself in this position. Keep your arms up as well, the movements should be springy. Do 10 reps.
The workout is over. For detailed exercises, see the video.
After training, you can do a little stretching to relieve tension from the muscles. Remember that the key to a beautiful figure is proper nutrition, regular exercise and good recovery.