How to lower blood pressure. 4 ways that are sure to work
How to lower blood pressure. 4 ways that are sure to work September 5, 2022, 07:30 MSC This problem can be identified by several symptoms. MD, pediatrician, nutriciologist,
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What to do if you get a headache during exercise. Answered by a doctor
certified clinical geneticist, nutritionist, expert of the UniProf Academy of Physicians Is it possible to exercise with a headache? What should you do if you get a headache
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Don’t do these 10 things if you want healthy teeth
Have you ever wondered what the first thing we pay attention to when we talk to someone? As a rule, it is the smile. The condition of a
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4 unhealthy behaviors that movies impose on us
Very often, when we watch movies and TV series, we take these pictures as ideal and try to implement them into our reality. But it happens that cinema
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The doctor named 5 vitamins and micronutrients that the body lacks in the fall
Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of integrative, preventive and conventional medicine, nutritionist What microelements and vitamins do we lack in the fall? How can we make up for
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The doctor named the main disadvantages of living by the sea. You may not want to move
doctor of integrative medicine, therapist, infectious disease specialist at UniProf Academy of Physicians How is it useful to live by the sea? How can it be dangerous? Living
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How singing is good for your health. 5 non-obvious reasons to work on your voice
American and Russian singer, songwriter, vocal teacher How can singing be good for your health? There is nothing easier than to open your mouth and sing, especially if
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Who should not have a massage? The doctor has named 6 cases when it can harm you
Who should not get a massage? The doctor named 6 cases when it can harm you Nuria Gataulina September 15, 2022, 07:45 MSC Any procedure has contraindications, even
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How much fat should be in a healthy body and how to count it
How much fat should be in a healthy body and how to count it September 16, 2022, 10:30 AM MSC The number on the scale is not the
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4 types of massage to help with neck and back pain
osteopath, chiropractor, neurologist, fitness school expert Evotren What kind of massage will help with neck and back pain? Discomfort and pain in the cervical or back area is
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