What is modesty and does it always adorn? Full analysis by a psychologist
Ph.D. in Psychology, founder of the online school of psychological professions “Psychodemia” “What is modesty? Usually this trait is perceived as a virtue. But what does it mean
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Don’t do these 7 things and your life will change for the better. A list from a psychologist
Life is full of trials, challenges and opportunities for personal growth. However, many of us are often self-inflicted, creating negative attitudes that prevent us from developing and achieving
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Who is the inner critic and how does it keep you from living your life: 4 Steps to Stop Self-Eating
“You can do better!”, “You’re not good enough”, “You’re not doing enough”, “You still have a lot of work to do”. These phrases, which a person often hears
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How to engage in work after vacation without stress and depression? 9 tips from a neurocoach
neurocoach “For many people, getting back into the workforce after a vacation is an ordeal. You were away from your workplace and home, did not solve current problems
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6 aristocratic sports that are still considered elitist today
Some sports disciplines in the past were the prerogative of noble and wealthy people. Historically, horseback riding, golf, tennis and yachting were available exclusively to the upper classes.
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How did naturopath Paul Bragg plan to live to be 120 years old? His story and methods
Alternative medicine has always existed. At the end of the 20th century in the United States, the main propagandist of a healthy lifestyle was the famous naturopath Paul
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How to realize your hidden potential? 5 tips to step out of the shadows
How to realize your hidden potential? 5 tips to step out of the shadows Olga Romaniv September 23, 2023, 17:15 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support
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What is an investment in yourself and how do you make it so that the investment pays off? Tips from a neurocoach
neurocoach “Investing in yourself is a way to invest money, time and effort into yourself so that you can benefit from it: increase your income, build relationships, improve
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Is the climate you live in right for you and how do you find your ideal climate?
physician, neuropsychologist, psychosomatologist “Climatic conditions can have a significant impact on a person’s internal and external states. Not always people pay attention to the connection between living conditions
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This man has been recognized as the happiest man in the world. Discovering Mathieu Ricard’s secret
Before becoming a monk, Mathieu Ricard was a genetic scientist, but decided to leave his career to unlock the mysteries of Buddhism. He is now one of the
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