Crocodile exercise that will help you tighten your stomach and achieve a slim waistline
One of the most effective fitness flyhacks for a precise figure.
About a beautiful and taut belly dreams of every girl, but to get it is not so easy. You need to take care not only about nutrition, but also provide yourself with sufficient physical activity. Sometimes it is very difficult to find exercises that will definitely help to tighten the belly and reduce its volume. Today we will tell you about one simple, but very effective technique, which is called “crocodile” (or better known “boat”). It will not only help with weight loss in the abdominal area, but also strengthen the muscles of the spine.
What is the effectiveness of the exercise?
“Crocodile” triggers a number of processes in the body, thanks to which fat begins to burn at times faster:
- The blood vessels begin to expand, so the load on the heart is reduced.
- Muscles begin to receive more oxygen due to increased blood flow.
- The elasticity of ligaments and tendons increases.
It is worth noting that the exercise has a favorable effect on the human nervous system and helps to correct congenital and acquired spinal disorders. Care for the body and figure correction in just a few minutes a day.
Preparation for the exercise
Before performing the crocodile exercise, our muscles and ligaments require mandatory preparation. If you perform it after training, you can warm up again without doing it. Otherwise, warm up the muscles and prepare the body for the load must necessarily. To do this, you should perform a small set of simple exercises. You can remember the classic warm-up to stretch the joints a little and warm up the muscles.
An example of a light warm-up:
- head tilts (side to side);
- head rotations (clockwise and counterclockwise);
- torso rotation, arm swings (back and forth and up and down);
- arm rotation (clockwise and counterclockwise);
- hip rotation;
- jumps (on the spot and from side to side).
For each exercise 10 repetitions.
After warming up, you can proceed to the exercise itself. For convenience, you will need a gymnastic mat.
Starting position: lying on your stomach, legs together, socks pulled up, arms lying straight along the head or in a “lock” position behind the head (elbows should look to the sides).
Take a deep breath and lift your chest area off the floor as high as possible. Keep your gaze and arms straight in front of you (if your arms are in a “lock” position behind your head, your elbows should still be facing out to the sides). Then lift your straight legs off the floor as far as your body will allow. Hold this position for a couple of seconds. Return to the starting position.
During the exercise, keep a steady breathing, about 3-5 breaths per approach. In total, you need to do at least 6 repetitions.
Attention: the exercise is contraindicated for people suffering from severe pain in the spine (for example, due to herniated discs), asthma, pneumosclerosis, as well as pregnant women.