blogger, athlete
“All last year I was constantly drinking, mostly beer, eating shawarma. I’ve been living the ‘get up, get drunk and go to sleep’ lifestyle. It’s taken a huge toll on my mental health. I didn’t notice it at first, but then the depressive state after alcohol intoxication accompanied me for a very long time”.
I can’t say that I turned into an alcoholic, but at that moment I really got “on a degree”. During this time a lot of unpleasant things happened to me, which later made themselves known.
At some point I packed my things and left for Kaliningrad, lived there alone and worked as a waiter in the city center – I drove 40 minutes to work every morning and was on my feet for 12 hours. Lack of money and hunger made me lose weight because fat was converted into energy. I sat on doshiras for a month and a half. I can’t say it’s great, but it happened.
In Kaliningrad, I instilled discipline in myself – I got up, thought, then cooked. I was constantly analyzing my life, but when I returned to my homeland, the Moscow region, I had another breakdown. Perhaps because I lived with my parents, there was no freedom of action.
In February 2022 I recovered by 20 kilograms, and in December 2022 I got fully into shape and became athletic. If I did the body in about a year, mental health was more difficult. I used to have only negative thoughts, but now I transform good thoughts into good actions. Making videos is my outlet.
When I started losing weight, the first thing I did was to equalize my diet – I ate almost everything the same, but in smaller quantities. From training – at first I ran at a slow pace, but for a long time. Then I started to shorten the distance and run in spurts. Now I can run long, long and fast. I also bought a bar at home – at first I did three pull-ups, and after a month and a half I increased the number to ten.
I started eating a lot of cooked and steamed food – I ordered delivery, which was quite expensive. I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables, then gradually started replacing chips with them. I came to the point where I started cooking for myself. In three months I brought my diet back to normal.
The main thing is to do sports in the gym and at home. At home, you can devote 40 minutes a day to it, for example, one day do a workout for abs, then for arms, and on the third day just cardio. I used to run 2 kilometers every day.
When I started exercising seriously and regularly, it took me two months to get in shape. But first it is important to deal with your psychological state, and then start exercising and watching your diet.
Doctor’s opinion
toxicologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
If you drink beer regularly and in large quantities, it can lead to the accumulation of excess weight. The alcoholic beverage contains a lot of calories. On average, one bottle is about 150-200 kcal.
Beer can slow down the metabolism in the body, which leads to a decrease in the rate of calorie burning. The product also contains phytoestrogens, which affect the hormonal balance of the body and contributes to the accumulation of fat in certain areas, most often on the abdomen.
What are the dangers of low-alcohol drinks?
First of all, they are conditionally low-alcoholic, secondly, they hit the liver and heart, thirdly, with constant use can begin beer alcoholism – this is not a joke, but a reality, and there will be blows to the entire system of the gastrointestinal tract.
To this drink, addiction occurs extremely quickly, such alcoholism is much more difficult than vodka alcoholism, as it is harder to fight it. Beer can not be drunk every day.
It is proved that beer causes coronary heart disease, diabetes, gallstones, and in general negatively affects the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
As for shawarma, like burgers, it is a high-calorie product. In the composition there is bread, most often several sauces and fatty meat. All this leads to the fact that one serving of the dish can contain about 600-800 calories or even more.
Frequent consumption of shawarma can lead to the formation of bad eating habits, the main one being the choice of diet in favor of fast food and high-calorie food. This can lead to overeating and gaining excess weight.
Due to the high amount of fatty ingredients, shawarma can be difficult for the body to digest. This leads to a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, constipation and other digestive problems.
A diet heavy in high-calorie foods causes weight gain, especially when one leads a sedentary lifestyle. But it is important to note that this affects not only weight, but also the general condition of the body.
Lack of physical activity leads to weakening of muscles and bones. A sedentary lifestyle is also associated with an increased risk of developing various diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and depression.
Nutrition plays a key role in the weight loss process. It is important to choose the right diet that will provide the body with all the nutrients it needs, but will also create a calorie deficit so that the body begins to utilize fat stores as an energy source.
- Increase your protein and vegetable intake, while carbohydrate and fat intake should be reduced.
- Choose natural and not high calorie foods such as vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, fish, low-fat meats and whole grain products.
- Limit your intake of foods rich in sugar, salt and saturated fats.
Exercise is the second important principle and rule when losing weight. It not only has a positive effect on the health and general well-being of the body, but also contributes to weight loss through additional energy and calorie expenditure.