How the Web is wrong: busting diet myths

The posts of bloggers writing about proper nutrition and training are overflowing with completely different information. Often it is useful and contains an illustrative example. Nevertheless, in such articles you can find a lot of stereotypical posts, created to advertise some product or written simply out of ignorance of the author. If you are serious about your health, it is worthwhile to understand all the details, basic rules and theories.

Myth – “Diet will help.”

Absolutely any randomly chosen diet by itself is unlikely to do any good. Half of the advertised diets can even harm your health. Let’s break it down in detail.

What is a diet?

It is a restriction. For some time a person deprives himself, for example, salty, fried or flour. Sometimes thinners manage to sit on water alone. However, nature has arranged our body so that in small quantities it needs everything. Even in cholesterol, which everyone is afraid of. And if you completely exclude sugar from the diet, the body will begin to produce it on its own.

What happens during the diet?

The body is sharply deprived of everything to which it is already accustomed. It comes to a state of shock and gets a good portion of stress. As a result, hormones responsible for the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area are released into the blood. At the slightest loosening in the diet, the body, which has memorized all the deprivation, instantly returns the lost weight and stores an additional amount just in case.

Remember that you can not limit yourself in everything, and then, returning to the past diet, to stay in the same shape.

In working with your diet, you need to revisit your entire food system. Of course, sometimes it is useful to organize unloading days or “drying” mode, if there is a need. However, this should be approached wisely. For example, “drying” requires proper preparation and exit, a certain training regimen before, after and during it. “Drying” is not a diet at all, but an element of the nutritional system.

Remember that diets are evil. Don’t put your body under stress. To eat right, you must first accustom your body to healthy foods.

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