“A wetsuit for 20 thousand rubles”. How much does it cost to put a child into sailing?
There are a lot of sections for children’s development nowadays. Some are very unusual
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10 psychologist’s tips to accept your age and be happy anyway
Humanity has not yet been able to turn the flywheel of time and rewind
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What to do if your skin dries out in the heat. Nutritionist tells us
Founder of the International Institute of Integrative Nutritionology How to deal with dry skin?
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What to buy men this fall. 7 sport-chic closet items
With the onset of the new calendar season, you should be concerned about updating
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How to become a fitness instructor from scratch: step-by-step instructions and list of skills
The fitness instructor profession is the number one profession on social media today. No
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How to make healthy yogurt ice cream. 3 recipes from the chef
How to make healthy yogurt ice cream. 3 recipes from the chef Benita Strelchenko
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How does a man understand a woman? 6 secret lifehacks from a relationship mentor
In the movie “What Women Want” Mel Gibson’s hero had a hard time. Thoughts
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How to realize you have a protein allergy. 6 symptoms to look out for
How does a protein allergy manifest itself? How to recognize it? Let’s find out
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What to buy for fall for women? 5 elements of sport-chic clothing
Summer turned off right on schedule, and once again it’s time for down jackets
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Sports and personality: what kind of temperament you have and what’s best for you
psychologist There is a direct correlation between success in the chosen activity and temperament.
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