“Maintaining water balance is one of the most important rules in training. In hot weather, it requires even more attention, especially for those who train intensively or for long periods of time. In this case, ordinary water is not enough, and special sports drinks come to the rescue. What are they for, are there differences and negative sides between them?”
How did sports drinks appear?
The history of sports drinks began in the summer of 1965. That’s when an assistant soccer coach at the University of Florida asked a team of university doctors led by Dr. Robert Cade to determine the effects of heat on the human body.
Several studies were conducted and the doctors found that the team’s players were not properly replenishing the amount of fluids, electrolytes and carbohydrates they lost during training and competition.
Scientists used these findings to develop a carbohydrate-electrolyte drink called Gatorade. And within a year, the players were able to win the Orange Bowl. Other colleges, hoping for similar results, soon began ordering batches of the product. And so the sports drink industry was born.
What are they?
Most commercial sports drinks contain 50-80 kcal and approximately 14-17 g of carbohydrates per 220 ml. This corresponds to a 6-8 percent carbohydrate solution that maximizes gastric emptying, improves intestinal fluid absorption and provides energy for working muscles.
The concentration of electrolytes in sports drinks can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Sodium and potassium are added in small amounts to compensate for losses due to sweating, to preserve fluid in muscle cells and – in combination with carbohydrates – to improve the taste of the product.
In addition, the flavor, temperature and sodium content of these drinks make them very appealing, which increases the total amount of fluid intake. Some varieties of sports drinks also contain protein, vitamins and minerals.
When are sports drinks necessary?
The three main purposes of drinks have remained the same since their introduction:
- Preventing dehydration of the body;
- replenishing electrolytes lost through sweat;
- to provide carbohydrates to the body.
Sports drinks are designed to be consumed before, during or after exercise. But a doctor’s consultation is necessary.
What is the right way to consume them?
Sports drinks should not be consumed unnecessarily and in large quantities. Below are the basic recommendations for their inclusion in the diet.
- Ensuring proper pre-hydration before training. It is recommended that the athlete should consume 57 ml of fluid per kg of body weight at least four hours before training.
- If necessary, a small portion of a sodium-containing product can be eaten a couple hours before training to correct electrolyte imbalances.
- During a workout lasting approximately one hour, it is acceptable to consume a sports drink to meet hydration, electrolyte, and carbohydrate requirements.
- In the case of endurance exercise, it is recommended to get additional carbohydrates in the form of foods or sports drinks.
- Those who train in hot, humid environments or sweat heavily may benefit from consuming a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution during short periods of exertion.
The amount of carbohydrate needed to maintain blood glucose levels during prolonged exercise is typically 30 to 60 g per hour. To get this amount from a sports drink, you need to consume about two to four glasses of such a liquid.
In addition to drinks, carbohydrate and electrolyte requirements can be met by energy bars or gels. The key is to develop a fluid replacement strategy that meets each individual’s needs during exercise.
Is the color of the drink important?
Of course, the appearance, the color of the drink is not the main criterion for choosing it. But as one study has shown, it does matter: a pink drink can increase exercise performance by 4.4% and enhance the “feel-good” effect that makes exercise seem easier.
The study participants, who were men and women between the ages of 27 and 33, ran on a treadmill for 30 minutes at a speed of their choice. As a result, they ran an average of 212 meters more. It turned out that the color of a sports drink can increase feelings of freshness and alertness.
The reason is explained by the fact that combining the art of gastronomy with nutritional efficiency can not only improve the perception of sweetness, but also increase the sense of pleasure, running speed and distance traveled.
What are the harmful effects of sports drinks?
In fact, even such products have negative sides. The fact is that they belong to sugar-containing drinks, that is, with added sugar: carbonated, sports drinks and juices. Their increased consumption, especially among teenagers, is very harmful to the condition of teeth: the high acidity of the drinks destroys tooth enamel and the protective outer layer of teeth.
Many people are under the impression that sports drinks will improve their athletic performance, increase their energy levels, and that they will be a better choice than sodas. But it’s important to realize that when consuming any product or beverage, quantity is always important, as well as your doctor’s recommendations.
If you train intensely or for long periods of time, exercise under extreme conditions and don’t always get the right amount of fluid before your workout, then the rule of thumb of monitoring your fluid intake and blood glucose levels becomes especially important for you.
It is in such cases that it makes sense to include the consumption of sports drinks in your regimen. To get only benefits from such a product, try to be careful about their choice and the amount consumed.