What are the health benefits of cherries? A nutritionist has revealed its main benefits

Quite often cherries are called berries because of their small size. However, it is a stone fruit and, in fact, it is a fruit. Meanwhile, the berry should have many seeds, not one.

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Health benefits of cherries

There have been many studies showing the health benefits of the product.

This berry (let’s call it the familiar word) is a powerful source of antioxidants. It contains polyphenols, melatonin (yes, it’s an antioxidant too), carotenoids, vitamins E and C, which protect the body from free radicals that damage cells and, as a result, from a number of diseases.

Cherries reduce the effects of chronic inflammation. According to research, eating the berry reduces the plasma concentration of eight biomarkers associated with inflammatory diseases. Moreover, the polyphenols in the fruit may minimize or prevent inflammation and oxidative stress, which can be risk factors for diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer and hypertension.

Cherries are an ideal source of carbohydrates for people with type II diabetes, research shows. It has a low glycemic index, which means it doesn’t cause a significant spike in blood sugar levels or insulin response when consumed.

Not only are cherries good for physical health, they also help improve a person’s mental state. According to a number of scientific articles, the berry in particular reduces cortisol levels and hence anxiety. It also promotes an overall improvement in mood.

Scientists have found that there is a link between the consumption of cherries and a reduction in the development of cancer. Studies have shown that the sweet fruit reduces the likelihood of cancer of the pancreas, breast, liver, colon, skin and lungs. The perillyl alcohol and phenolic compounds in the berry are responsible for this.

In addition, the fiber in cherries helps you stay satiated longer, and the naturally low glycemic load prevents any significant spikes or drops in blood sugar levels. This combination is ideal for weight maintenance, experts say.

Glycemic load (GL) is a measure that characterizes the rise in blood glucose levels after eating a meal.

Dietitian’s opinion

Anna Korobkina

Doctor of nutrition, sports nutritionist, nephrologist of the Hadassah clinic branch

“To achieve some effect, one must either consume an extract from the product or eat several kilograms of the product. The same applies to cherries.”

The expert listed the properties, the effect of which is actually achievable by consuming the berry.

In 100 grams of cherries are quite few calories, only 70. Its main advantage is a large amount of pectin. It is necessary for the healthy work of the gastrointestinal tract – it is a natural enterosorbent, as well as a prebiotic, necessary for intestinal microorganisms. The berry also contains a combo of antioxidants – 20% of the daily value.

There is still research and scientific debate about the role of cherries. It is believed that the product is important for neutralizing free radicals, suppressing inflammatory proteins, reducing the risk of cell and DNA damage, cancer and slowing the aging process. Fast freezing the berry does not reduce these effects, but adding sugar does destroy the beneficial substances.

Cherries have a sufficient amount of potassium: 250 mg per 100 g. This trace element is necessary to ensure heart rhythm and regulate the water-salt balance. It is excreted by the kidneys, so it is contraindicated in people with chronic kidney disease of the 4-5th stage.

موانع الاستعمال

From the use of cherries should be refused in:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergies;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • acute phase of diseases of the stomach and pancreas.

How many cherries can I eat per day?

The WHO and professional medical associations recommend a daily intake of five servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables per day. Therefore, feel free to include seasonal cherries in your diet.

The recommended amount is 200 g, says Anna Korobkina. A larger amount may provoke loose stools and flatulence.

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