What foods shouldn’t be eaten after 50?

Over the years, nutrition becomes one of the key aspects for a healthy life. Metabolism and the production of certain hormones gradually slows down, so the phrase “we are what we eat” becomes particularly relevant. After the age of 50, it is important to switch to a healthy diet and pay more attention to food intake. Many women go through menopause at this age, causing them to experience a loss of estrogen, a hormone that is responsible for the cardiovascular system and supports important body functions. And the right diet can help keep you healthy.

Nutritionist Alyona Stepanova shared useful tips not only for people in adulthood, but also for everyone who wants to watch their health.

Sugar, flour and dairy products

At any age, you should reduce the consumption of foods that cause inflammatory processes in the body. This includes sugar and sugar-containing products. You should also limit the volume of dairy products, as they contain insulin-like growth factor.

If you abuse flour, sugar and carbohydrates, the pancreas produces a lot of insulin, which is considered the main cause of dangerous diseases after 50 years. Accordingly, the more sugar, the more insulin will be produced. Dairy products only aggravate the situation, as they also increase its level.

You should give up buns and cookies with milk. Dyes and preservatives can also play a cruel joke on the body, try to reduce their amount.

Red meat

Limit the consumption of red meat especially after 50 years old. Because with age, the concentration of gastric juice acids decreases. Accordingly, food is digested worse and more difficult to assimilate, especially meat.

It is better to give preference to “light” protein: fish, seafood, legumes.


Try to drink less coffee, as it strongly affects the cardiovascular system. You can check its condition by taking a test for homocysteine: it shows cardioresponses. If its level is elevated, coffee is excluded in the first place.

In addition, drinks with caffeine do not allow iron to be digested. That is, they can lead to its deficiency and hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the body). Symptoms include lightheadedness, weakness and fatigue.

If there are no contraindications (e.g., diarrhea, stomach problems), include more fresh vegetables in the diet. You should also emphasize fish and seafood, but be careful with cereals. A light diet is necessary, which the body will not be difficult to digest.

Nutritionist does not advise counting calories. It is rather important to have a complete diet, which includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Protein should be easily digested, fats – be useful. The latter are better to consume, for example, in the form of nuts, avocados, fatty fish, eggs. And from trans fats such as margarine, refined butter or deep fryers should be abandoned.

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