التمرين باستخدام كرة الميد بول لإنقاص الوزن. سيساعدك تمرينان فقط على حرق سعرات حرارية إضافية
This projectile can be a great alternative to dumbbells or kettlebells.
In fitness clubs, the stock of sports equipment is not limited to barbells, dumbbells and exercise machines. Often you can find a lot of interesting equipment, with the help of which you will bring variety to your training and pump your body well.
For example, in the gym you will always find a medball – a large stuffed ball. Its weight varies from 1 to 20 kg, and it is often used as an alternative to dumbbells or kettlebells. The functionality of the medball is not limited to this: it can be tossed above your head, caught or performed against the wall.
Today, together with trainer Dmitry Razvarov, we have prepared a fat-burning set of exercises with this sports equipment. Turn on the video and train with us!