Answers are given by a nutritional coach, endocrinologist and psychologist.
Royal nutritionist Gabriela Peacock has helped many monarchs to lose weight. According to her recommendations, for example, Princess Beatrice effortlessly lost 7 kg in just two months.
We decided to check whether the expert’s advice on proper nutrition actually works.
royal nutritionist
Tip 1. Breakfast should have more calories, and take them mainly from proteins and carbohydrates.
Is this really the case? Partly.
According to trainer and nutritionist Ksenia Belous, it is really necessary to eat enough calories for breakfast. After all, they provide us with energy for the whole day. The body receives the so-called fuel, at the expense of which will work effectively until the next meal. But still each person should start from their own feelings.
If you feel comfortable to eat breakfast not dense, then the missing elements can be added, for example, at lunch – there is nothing wrong with it. Only any breakfast portion should be balanced. It should contain both proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The ideal option would be porridge with various toppings (berries, fruits, nuts, seeds) and a sandwich of whole-grain bread with an egg and, for example, avocado. Delicious, balanced, and most importantly, the feeling of satiety will last for at least four hours.
Gabriela Peacock
royal nutritionist
Tip 2. Reduce your intake of foods that cause flatulence (cabbage, beans, mushrooms, dairy products).
Flatulence, bloating and unpleasant sensations at least once in a lifetime experienced every person. There may be many reasons for this. Before excluding certain products, you need to take tests and identify what products are reacting to, says Xenia. Dairy, pickles – these are common allergens. If you feel discomfort in the stomach after them, you need to consult a doctor. In the event that intolerance is found, replace them with analogs.
If there are no contraindications to the use of these products, then do not exclude them. After all, legumes (lentils, chickpeas, peas) contain many essential elements. For example, for people who do not eat meat, legumes will be an excellent source of protein. Eggs (if there is no intolerance) are an excellent source of protein and healthy fats. And sauerkraut, for example, perfectly helps the intestines to assimilate the necessary substances.
Gabriela Peacock
royal nutritionist
Tip 3. To lose weight, you need to eat often and in small portions.
In this case, supposedly the process of weight loss is faster, metabolism is accelerated. Truth or another myth?
The trainer and nutritionist notes that we are all individual, and each of us has a different diet. Someone is comfortable to eat often and small portions, and someone eats three times a day large. But only on the process of weight loss portions have no effect.
clinical psychologist
In some people, small portions only whet the appetite, and willful restriction on the amount of food eaten only increases stress. Some people don’t even feel like snacking, so there’s no need to break yourself in this regard.
The advice to “eat small portions” is most likely associated with the newfangled word “insulin resistance”, supposedly this principle of eating leads to insulin spikes.
endocrinologist nutritionist
This is indeed true, but a rise in blood insulin after a meal is normal.
Gabriela Peacock
royal dietitian
Tip 4. The 16/8 or “interval fasting” eating system not only helps you lose weight but also improve your overall health.
The diet consists of fasting for 16 hours and eating whatever you want for eight hours. But does this scheme really work?
Imagine that for 16 hours you torture your body by starving and carefully wait for the time of those cherished eight hours to come. When that time comes, you start literally sweeping away everything on your way: candies, buns, cakes. It is quite possible that during the same period you eat mostly healthy food (buckwheat, chicken breast, eggs), but in the same huge quantities. Will there be a result from such a diet? Unequivocally no.
trainer and nutritionist
Eat tasty and varied meals throughout the day, and then your health will not suffer.
Ксения: You can stick to this system, but you will see the result only if you observe the calorie intake (calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates). It makes no difference at what time interval you have your meals. If you consume your calorie intake for eight hours, then your weight will not increase. Because there will be a balance. If in the same eight hours you eat more than your norm, then the figure on the scale will grow. The result always depends only on the observance of the calorie intake. Interval fasting should be adhered to only when there are medical indications. In other cases, there are no advantages in this system of nutrition.
Gabriela Peacock
royal nutritionist
Tip 5. Never eat fruit on an empty stomach.
The question arises: why so categorical?
Indeed, fruits contain acid that irritates the walls of our stomach, says the expert. If you eat only fruit for breakfast, then in half an hour you will want to eat again. After all, fruit contains fructose and sucrose, which give a short satiety. The best way to eat fruit is to add it to yogurt or porridge, for example. Another option is to eat them in addition to breakfast as a dessert. But in any case, the meal should be balanced. The fact is that fruit is a carbohydrate, so it is necessary to add proteins and fats to their consumption. Satiety in this case will be maintained for a long period of time.
According to clinical psychologist and teacher Andrei Smirnov, fruit on an empty stomach can be eaten, but in moderation. Even one peach or apricot is enough to slightly satisfy hunger and give energy to the body. He notes that there is a golden rule of yoga and Ayurveda – it says that you should first eat foods that are digested more easily. Digestion of fruits happens mainly in the intestines and so fruits should be eaten first. They can be followed by carbohydrates and proteins. If you eat fruit on a full stomach, however, they begin to ferment and cause flatulence.
Gabriela Peacock
royal nutritionist
Tip 6. Make only protein snacks.
According to the expert, this is another myth. A snack does not always have to be protein – it can consist, for example, of fruit and nuts, and these are predominantly carbohydrates and fats. That is, if there is no opportunity to quickly snack on something protein, the snack can be replaced by other foods. The main thing is the balance: if you can’t make a protein snack, make up for it in the main meal.