How does just 5 minutes of exercise a day help reduce your risk of heart disease?
It is possible to reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart failure without drugs with simple exercises.
American scientists at the University of Colorado have concluded that breathing exercises known as Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training (IMST) reduce blood pressure. To do this, it should be performed regularly for several weeks. At the same time, the effectiveness of this method is not inferior to some medications and aerobic exercise, according to the authors of the study. Learn more about what hypertension is and how IMST works, tell us together with cardiologist Irina Polyaeva.
Cardiologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences
A key role in the development of hypertension plays a deficiency of nitric oxide – it has a significant impact on vascular tone. With its deficiency, arteries lose the ability to relax and are in a state of spasm, and this leads to high blood pressure.
What have scientists found out?
The essence of IMST is to take deep breaths for several minutes through a special device that provides resistance.
The study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, involved 36 people aged 50 to 79 years with elevated systolic blood pressure. Half of them were the placebo group, while the other half performed IMST training. The latter took 30 breaths a day through a tube that prevented air from being drawn in. After six weeks, the group that performed IMST had an average reduction in blood pressure of nine points.
Similar results can be achieved by taking blood pressure-lowering drugs or going for a 30-minute walk five times a week.
Researchers note that study participants experienced the following positive changes:
- Improved vascular function;
- decreased markers of inflammation and oxidative stress that cause heart attack;
- increased nitric oxide levels.
How does hypertension manifest itself?
Irina Polyayeva
cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences
The mechanism of hypertension is complex, but one of the important components is the development of endothelial dysfunction.
Endothelium is the inner layer of blood vessels, which lays out the arteries from the inside. It produces nitric oxide, an important element that helps relax blood vessels, eliminating vasospasm (a condition that leads to vasoconstriction).
Sufficient nitric oxide in the body helps regulate blood pressure, preventing spasms. With a deficiency of nitric oxide, the arteries lose the ability to relax and are in a state of vasospasm, and this leads to the development of hypertension.
What is the danger of high blood pressure?
People who face a severe form of arterial hypertension are at risk of developing serious diseases:
- myocardial infarction;
- stroke;
- heart failure, etc.
How is hypertension now being fought?
Irina Polyayeva
cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences
Prevention and the first stage of treatment of hypertension is lifestyle modification.
Lifestyle modification includes:
- correction of nutrition;
- refusal of alcohol and smoking;
- correction of comorbidities;
- daily cardio-loading, etc.
Breathing exercises can be prescribed as an additional preventive measure.
What is the significance of the discovery made by American scientists?
Scientists from Colorado have shown that the IMST system has an effect comparable to regular cardio exercises and individual medications. That is, effectively fight hypertension helps five-minute workout, which everyone can do at home with a simple device.
Irina Polyayeva
cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences
It is important to remember: if the blood pressure rises above 140/90 mm Hg. or there are signs of damage to vital organs (brain, heart, eyes, kidneys), then only modification of lifestyle can not cure hypertension. In such a condition, the patient should definitely consult a cardiologist for selection of antihypertensive therapy.