What does Igor Tsvirko eat for a perfect body? Food diary of the premier of the Bolshoi Ballet
Russian ballet dancer, premier of the Bolshoi Theater Ballet Tells about his diet and lifestyle. For me, the most important thing is breakfast Ballet is a very energy-consuming
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Nutritional expert names 4 micronutrients that boost libido in men
medical editor, scientific expert of Biogena Russia, wellness expert Problems with libido can significantly reduce the quality of life. But the changes that occur can be stopped and
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The strongest man in Russia Mikhail Koklyaev. Daily regimen and diet of the weightlifting legend
Mikhail Koklyaev is an eight-time Russian weightlifting champion in the weight category over 105 kg, admired by Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. He is the former holder of the absolute
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How I normalized my sleep patterns in a month and started going to bed before 10pm every day
personal PR-manager, founder of the boutique PR-agency “KNOW” For three years now, I’ve been going to bed before 10pm. And here’s why. How I got myself used to
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A gerontologist named 10 rules to keep your brain and body toned at any age
gerontologist, neurologist, chief physician of the Clinic of Restorative Neurology Today, life expectancy is 78 years for men and 82 years for women. Modern science and medicine have
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“American astronaut method” that will help you quit smoking in 5 days. Doctor’s opinion
general practitioner, ex-director of the Hillel Foundation How to quit smoking according to the five-day system of American astronauts? In the early days of NASA, there was no
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Is it true that only smart people remember dreams? Opinion of a neurologist
Is it true that only smart people remember dreams? Opinion of a neurologist Galina Chudinskaya February 17, 2023, 18:45 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support the
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The doctor named 7 foods that contain gelatin for ligaments and joints
is a general practitioner at the Gull Clinic and a member of the American Society of Clinical Nutritionists While exercise helps strengthen your bones and muscles, it also
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How can men improve their metabolism after 30? Nutriciologist named 5 rules
It is generally believed that metabolism is an indicator that is completely determined by heredity. And those who are lucky, can lead absolutely any lifestyle, without worrying about
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A neurologist has named the age at which a person needs the least sleep
A neurologist has named the age at which a person needs the least sleep Galina Chudinskaya February 21, 2023, 19:45 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support
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