Meet March 8 in perfect shape. 6 effective exercises for women from the trainer
The complex will help to tighten the figure, but to achieve the best result you will have to work hard.
We tell you together with the trainer of Black Star Fitness.
For girls who regularly go to the gym, this workout will help to diversify the plan. And those who work out infrequently and want to tighten up a bit, we recommend doing exercises at least every other day. But we do not promise quick “wow-results”. Remember that the way to a beautiful figure is long and difficult.
Black Star Fitness trainer
Shows a set of full-body exercises for women.
Romanian pull with an espander
Техника на изпълнение
- Starting position: standing, feet together. Stand with one foot on one edge of the elastic band, hold the other with two hands.
- Perform a bend and pull the pelvis back, keeping the natural curve of the spine.
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Front pull with one hand with an espander
- Starting position: sitting on the mat. Legs straightened in front of you. Fix one end of the rubber band behind the foot, the second end is held in the hand (left foot – left hand and right foot – right hand).
- Pull the rubber band towards yourself, bending the arm at the elbow and tensing the back muscles.
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- After completing the approach, change the arm and fix the rubber band on the other leg.
Reverse push-ups
- Starting position: stand with your back to the support, put your palms on it. Legs slightly bent and stand in front of us. Keep the body straight.
- Perform a reverse push-up, bending the arms at the elbows.
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- If it is easy to do the exercise with bent legs, you can straighten them.
Bending arms with dumbbells on the biceps
- Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. In the hands hold dumbbells with a comfortable weight for you.
- Bend your arms with dumbbells. Elbows tightly pressed to the body. Hands try not to swing.
- Върнете се в изходна позиция.
If you are just starting to exercise, do not forget about a healthy diet and regular training. The result will appear only with a systematic approach.