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Long-livers around the world have different eating habits, but there are commonalities in their diets. These are the ones that help keep them healthy and young.
Plant-based foods
One of the key elements in the diet of long-livers is plant-based foods. They consume a lot of fruits, vegetables, greens, nuts, grains and legumes. They are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help prevent the development of various diseases. We are talking about cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes and oncology.
Fish and seafood
This is something that is always on the table of those who want to live a long life. Why? Fish and seafood are high in healthy fatty acids such as Omega-3. As a result, the risk of cardiovascular disease is significantly reduced.
Fermented foods
Many long-lived people also consume fermented foods. What are they? Kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh and kefir. They contain beneficial bacteria that help improve digestion and the immune system.
What about beverages?
Longevity dieters have plenty of tea (sugar-free), pure water and natural juices. They avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially before bedtime, because these drinks can reduce the quality of the night’s rest.
The main principle of nutrition of long-livers
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First of all, the question is not what to eat, but how much. It is in the amount of food and calories consumed, many researchers see the key to the phenomenon of longevity. Why? Dietary restrictions cause autophagy. This is the body’s “self-consumption” of aging cells. The practical benefits of clearing out accumulated “junk” and inflammation components.
Japanese biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2016 “for discovering the mechanisms of autophagy”.
Restricting calories and following a period of fasting has a favorable effect on the brain. It is a prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, improves cardiovascular function and reduces joint inflammation.
In addition, long pauses between meals lead to wellness and slow aging processes, scientists at Yale University found out. According to the researchers, reducing the number of calories eaten by an average of 14%, you can significantly improve the immune system.
How to eat right?
It is important to observe the time of meal intake and food pause. It is better to do this in accordance with biorhythms. From seven to nine in the morning, the mechanisms of the digestion process are active, slowing down closer to seven in the evening.
According to the study mentioned above, a pause in eating from 17:00 to 18:00 with a break of 12 hours or more increases the chances of longevity and strengthens the immune system. But everything is individual, it is more important to listen to your own needs.