What is an elliptical and how to exercise on it to lose weight?

The elliptical is not only a way to diversify your cardio workout, but also a great way to improve your endurance, coordination and balance, and work on your cardiovascular system. It is also a way out for those to whom the treadmill is contraindicated.

Types of elliptical trainers

Mechanical. In this type, the mechanism is powered by the person himself. It does not require connection to a power source. But it lacks smoothness, also usually they are characterized by excessive noise.

Magnetic. Also does not require electricity. This model with more smoothness than the previous one, in addition, you can adjust the load.

Electromagnetic. It must be connected to the network, thanks to this computer functionality is much wider, it is possible to change programs, adjust the load and monitor the parameters of the body. It is also characterized by reliability and lack of noise.

The most perfect of them is considered the last option. The principle of operation lies in the influence of the electromagnetic field on the flywheel.

Mikhail Prygunov

author of seminars and master classes on fitness and Crossfit in Russia

Here we are not talking about increasing muscle mass. The main goal is cardio-loading, aimed primarily at fat burning, training of the cardiovascular system and endurance.

What is the right way to exercise on such a machine?

Exercising on an elliptical trainer is a cardio workout, respectively, it triggers fat-burning processes throughout the body. And it helps not only to get rid of fat, but also to increase metabolism.

Changing the technique of execution, you can independently load more those or other areas of the body. However, if we talk about specific parts of the body, then during the workout the muscles are working:

  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • back;
  • abs;
  • shoulder girdle;
  • arms;
  • calves.

The key to successful exercise will be a properly selected ellipsis. What is important to pay attention to when buying?

Size. They come in 1,5 and 2 m, so it is necessary to correctly match it to the room where the installation is planned.

Matching parameters. The height and length of the levers should fit your body. To do this, it is better to “try it on” before buying.

Type. About them mentioned above, electromagnetic – the most preferable, because the load is set and regulated by reliable electronics.

Let’s move on to the training itself, before it starts, you need to do a warm-up. Prepare the body by warming up your arms, legs and back.


  • Place your hands on the levers. Do not lean on them, the body weight is not transferred forward.Stand in the pedals, make sure that the feet are tight.
  • Straighten your back, but do not arch your back as this is necessary to avoid hurting your spine.
  • Before you start your workout, adjust your stride length if possible. Find the amplitude in which you feel comfortable working out.
  • Let’s move on to the first steps: the lead foot pushes forward while the opposite hand pulls the handrail toward you. The sides then switch places.
  • The weight is not transferred between the legs during the movement, it is distributed evenly.

Keep the pace while working, do not pause abruptly. When you finish, slow down rather than abruptly stop the movement. Get off the machine only after it has come to a complete stop. And be sure to keep an eye on your heart rate. To do this, calculate the average for yourself. This will allow you not to exhaust the body and get the maximum benefit from the load.

The formula for calculating the average heart rate: (220 – age)*0.6 = your result.

Contraindications for the ellipse

Despite the gentle nature of the exercises, there are still restrictions:

  • Heart failure;
  • asthma;
  • захарен диабет;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cancer;
  • angina pectoris;
  • сърдечни заболявания;
  • hypertension;
  • sudden spikes in blood pressure.

Therefore, before you start training, be sure to consult a doctor. Then you will only benefit from the classes.

Mikhail Prygunov

author of seminars and master classes on fitness and Crossfit in Russia

Including the elliptical and any other cardio exercises in the plan is very useful. The work of the heart, the work of the circulatory and respiratory systems, blood supply to tissues and providing them with oxygen improves. Even if a person is looking to increase muscle mass, it is also beneficial for him to do cardio exercises.

Ellipse VS Treadmill

It is impossible to say which is better, it all depends on your body and goals. A treadmill is suitable for those who don’t have serious injuries and chronic diseases, but also have a desire to lose excess weight. Compared to an ellipsoid, it burns about 100-200 calories more, which will make the fat go away faster. But at the same time, exercising on it requires serious effort from the heart and joints of a person.

The key difference is that when exercising on a track there is a flight phase, the moment when both feet come off the surface, then one foot strikes and the movement continues. The contact with the surface causes compression in all areas, starting from the foot, ankle, knee, hip and ending with the spine. And if your body is not ready or if you are overweight – you need to minimize all impact and compression.

Unlike treadmill exercise, there is no flight phase on the elliptical, your feet are always on the pedals. The elliptical mimics running in its motion, but without the impact loads.

The ellipsoid trainer allows you to burn fewer calories than a treadmill, but the emphasis is more on the muscles of the buttocks. It is also great for people with weak joints, because the load on them when exercising is less. Or if you have never run before, the elliptical will be a great solution, it helps you to start doing cardio and aerobic exercise without harming your health.

Валерия Андреева

член на руския национален отбор по лека атлетика

During a workout on an elliptical trainer, more than 90% of muscles are used. And for an hour you can easily burn up to 800 kcal. That’s why the elliptical is considered effective for weight loss, strengthening the cardiovascular system and improving body relief.

How to train on an elliptical to lose weight?

To lose weight you need to burn more calories, on the ellipse you can use up 400-500 kcal. If you increase the load, you will burn all 800. To achieve results, you need to exercise at a certain pace, intensity and speed. The most effective option is interval cardio training, which alternates between medium and extreme loads.

Here is one example of such a program:

  • slow walking – 5 minutes;
  • moderate training – 3-5 minutes;
  • fast workout – 30-60 seconds;
  • return to a slow pace – 5 minutes.

It is believed that even a 15-minute workout with alternating fast and slow intervals is much more effective for fat burning than monotonous work at a medium pace for an hour. But it’s important to remember that between interval training sessions, it’s better to take a short break for another load. You can perform a minimal set of abs, squats, push-ups from the floor and arm swings. This will make your muscles feel better.

Summer is just around the corner, which means you should pay attention to your body. Cardio exercises are a great help in preparing for the beach season. So get out your sneakers and uniform, it’s time to start exercising in a new way.

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