I don’t want to, I won’t! Give me back my blanket and get me some coffee! Almost every day a large number of people around the world try to fight laziness. They resort to various manipulations: persuade themselves, force and blackmail.
Someone manages to win a complete victory in this complex psychological battle. Someone is satisfied with small successes. Some remain outsiders, having never learned to cope with the main enemy in his head.
business psychologist
Before scolding and destroying your own self, it is worthwhile to understand in detail the causes of such conditions. They are often buried deep inside and can be the result of psychological trauma.
Learn to look for the root causes of your own laziness.
Why we are lazy
There are several motives why you have no desire to work, go to training and perform other activities. It is important to hear the body’s signals in time and understand the origins of such a state. Reasons for laziness can be several.
Reason #1. Fatigue
It arises against the background of active work. Even doing your favorite work for a week, you can experience a loss of strength and reluctance to start performing once pleasant tasks. It is necessary to give yourself a rest: take a walk in the park, go to the movies, talk to friends.
Unloved work will bring more fatigue and constantly exhaust you. After all, it will require a greater expenditure of effort and energy. In this case, it is better to start looking for another occupation to make money. There is always a choice.
Reason #2. Fear
Sometimes the reason is anxiety about possible failures. You may be overcome by doubts that you will be able to perform well. There will be a fear of failing to cope with the responsibility assigned. In this case – to lower the bar of requirements and overcome the fear of new things.
Reason #3. Lack of motivation
Before starting any task, ask yourself the question: why I will do it and what result I want to get at the end. It is the personal desire that determines the motivation to succeed. For example, you want to learn a foreign language. Ask yourself the question: why do I need it?
Perhaps you have always dreamed of watching movies in the original or communicating freely with native speakers. The right motivation can work wonders.
How to overcome laziness
Having dealt with the origins of laziness, you can proceed to the next step – try to work on eradicating the unwillingness to work. The following techniques will help.
1. Making a plan
Often people put off doing things because they do not know from which side to approach them. It is effective in this case – to describe in detail each step that is necessary to achieve the result.
Having a step-by-step action plan in front of you, it is easier to start. Set tasks will not seem impossible. Force majeure may interfere with the realization of the planned, but when there is a clear basis for action, it can also be overcome.
2. Fragmentation of tasks
Tasks are usually intimidating in their complexity and unknowns. By breaking down large tasks into several smaller ones, we reduce stress levels. It becomes easier to get started on a large task.
3. Time Management
Time management will allow you to become focused and organized. Write out your to-do’s, setting aside time to complete them. Be sure to write down every task, from the most difficult task at work to making dinner. Don’t forget to set aside time to relax. Include watching a movie or reading a book on your to-do list.
Now start doing things, moving from one thing to the next. If you get tired of doing something, simply open the list and see what you could do instead.
4. Deadline
It’s important to learn to control yourself by prescribing a deadline on a task. If you set yourself a framework, it will be much easier to accomplish what you have planned. You will stop putting things off until later.
5. Physical activity
Many people treat sports as a way to get rid of laziness with distrust. They do not believe that ordinary exercises in the gym or at home can become an effective weapon. And for nothing! During training, the brain will rest and you will forget about everyday worries. Plus it will improve your overall health.
6. Encouragement
Praise doesn’t just work with kids. Adults need encouraging words or gifts too. Reward yourself with small presentations for any accomplishment you make. It could be a delicious meal, a fragrant cup of coffee somewhere beautiful, a souvenir bought for a successfully completed project.
7. Rituals
If you find it extremely difficult to start something, pleasant rituals can help. Before work, you can, for example, eat your favorite candy or do a light warm-up. Any little thing that pleases you will do. Just do not stretch the pleasant procedure for the whole day. After a while, the brain will understand the connection and after itself will be reorganized on the working wave.
8. Positive mood
Catch a good mood and smile. Proceed to the planned tasks in a good mood. A pleasant mood will help to keep your strength and energy.
9. Rest
In order to work hard, you need to get plenty of rest. It is impossible to work at full speed without taking breaks. Give yourself a chance to break and change activities. At least for 10-15 minutes.
10. Realistic goals
Sometimes apathy and procrastination are the result of taking on an impossible task. Evaluate your capabilities in a sensible way. Take a long view of yourself. Set realistic goals, not wishful thinking. This way you will improve and succeed faster.
Lack of desire to fulfill any conceived plans worsens your mood, reduces the quality of life, self-esteem. Do not waste time. Filled with things to do and goals life brings pleasure to you and benefits to others. Use it to the fullest.