President of Pro-Vision, author of the Vinogradov.story community Sometimes visa bureaucracy can spoil the impression of a new country even at the stage of preparing for a trip.
Tennis is called an elite sport. In Russia it is one of the most popular and besides, since 1896 (with a break from 1924 to 1988) it has
How to learn how to dance oriental dance? Video lesson for beginners April 4, 2023, 18:45 MSC Audio version: Your browser does not support the audio element. This
A native Russian game that was practiced back in the 14th century and used to train soldiers. Hundreds of years later, lapta is still played and even brought
Frankly and unvarnished athletes tell us about their careers, ups and downs, the thorny path and bright victories. And they teach us how to win not only in
experienced shooter, author of the YouTube channel “Gun Baron” Sport shooting is not the most popular sport, but it is one of the oldest. We can say that
“A two-week training camp will cost 28,000 rubles.” How much does a judo section cost for a child? The athlete’s dad counted the costs. It’s not easy to
The capital has long been considered one of the most sporting cities in the world. Why? Stadiums of world significance are being built in the megacity and international
General Director of the CARDO Street Sports and Culture Development Award How do you perceive the city? Perhaps for you it is just a set of interesting locations:
Equestrian sport is interesting, beautiful and good for both the physical and mental health of a child. Many people may be intimidated by the injury hazard, but as