5 healthy habits to start when you’re young

What habits will help you stay healthy into old age?

We tell you together with the doctor.

The body gradually wears out, begins to work worse and less stable. Back pain, lower back pain, knee pain, deterioration of the heart and other organs – this is only a small part of the problems that people face as they age. It’s important to start taking care of your health while you’re still young to reduce the number of negative consequences. Here’s what you can do now to take care of yourself in the future.

Georgi Silberman

general practitioner

Any activity is better than no activity. The most important thing is to make regular physical activity part of your lifestyle and develop a pattern of behavior.

Get a good night’s sleep

Sleep is a necessity, and any lack of it or shortening of its duration can impair many bodily functions. People with sleep deficiency experience slower reaction times and loss of attention. It can also contribute to impulsive behavior. In addition, chronic sleep deprivation increases appetite, increases weight and blood pressure, and exacerbates cardiovascular disease risks.

St. George: Scientists suggest that the short duration and fragmented nature of sleep disrupts recovery – which usually takes place during a night’s rest. The absence or disruption of this process can lead to impairment of various body functions and ultimately to chronic diseases.

Walk more

George: The more hours you sit for each day, the higher the risk of metabolic problems. A sedentary lifestyle can take a toll on your health, even if you try to compensate for your lack of activity.

Studies have shown that those who have lost weight may be more likely to maintain their results if they sit less during the day. In this case, the pattern of behavior makes all the difference: choose walking at a brisk pace rather than transportation, walk part of your daily route to work, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.

Important: for sports, choose special equipment. There are shoes for running, tennis, golf, soccer, boxing, basketball, weightlifting, cycling. Each differs in design, material, and weight to best protect your feet from specific stresses.

Watch your posture

Georgi: “Perfect” posture does not exist, just as there are no perfect bodies. Good posture is the neutral position of the spine, when the muscles, joints and ligaments are aligned so that the load on them is reduced. At the same time, the body remains flexible and fatigue is reduced.

If your posture is out of alignment, it can lead to:

  • muscle or joint strain;
  • neck, head or back pain;
  • injury during exercise, work, or other activities.

Poor or incorrect posture is common. It can affect your appearance, self-confidence and overall health. But it can be improved with specialized exercises.

The first step in correcting posture is to change daily habits that can affect the way you stand, sit or lie. Pay attention to what you do in your daily life.

  • Make your workstation comfortable.
  • Replace your chair with a model with a supportive backrest.
  • Change the position in which you look at your cell phone – you should raise it to eye level, not bow your head.
  • Buy an orthopedic mattress.
  • Instead of high heels, choose shoes with a little and choose your shoes properly.
  • Watch your gait – try not to fall over, not to limp, not to emphasize on one side.

Try to avoid stress

Some studies have linked stress to accelerated aging, as well as a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Also, a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that stress can negatively affect the immune system as well.

The fact is that stress affects the ability of cells to divide. The worse it is, the faster the body ages. Therefore, it is important to minimize negative emotions and worries.

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