7 body signals that tell you you need rest

Elena Ostrovskaya

How do you know it’s time to rest? What are the body’s signals to pay attention to?

What is fatigue? To answer this question is not so simple. Some will say that it is a feeling of weakness, while others show fatigue as apathy and unwillingness to do anything. Scientifically speaking, fatigue is a complex of symptoms, and sometimes we incorrectly “read” them. The body signals that it’s time to pause and slow down the pace of life, but we keep running and planning 10 things at once. We tell you what manifestations of fatigue should not be ignored.

Changes in sleep

The character of sleep changes first of all, if a person experiences increased fatigue. For example, there are changes in the structure of sleep, problems with falling asleep. You may fall asleep very quickly, but wake up 2-3 hours later. Such awakenings during the night may occur more than once. And they are not related to the need to go to the toilet or, say, to drink. At night, as if the work process continues, thinking about problems, the head “does not turn off”.

Often we ourselves provoke sleep disorders: for example, in the evening, instead of going to bed, we watch movies, sit in social networks, read. As a result, we lie down very late, and in the morning there is no tone, performance is reduced.

In any case, poor sleep is a reason to go to the doctor and find out what the problem is associated with. If it is due to overwork, it is necessary to take measures, including because the body reduces the level of melatonin and growth hormone. They are important as antioxidants, as anti-ageing hormones – sleep problems lead to premature age-related changes.

Decreased concentration and performance

Sometimes we try to solve several tasks at the same time and realize that we can’t solve any of them. The fact is that the brain can be compared to a working computer. If you have 20-30 windows open at the same time, the computer works slowly. According to this analogy, it is better to concentrate on solving one task and then move on to the next. But due to overwork, this doesn’t always work out.

Fatigue leads to depletion of neurotransmitters – substances that are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, because of which the signals in the brain are slower. As a result, memory and reactions deteriorate, we do not adapt well to changing conditions and do not keep up with the speed that dictates the rhythm of work. If you see that you are constantly making elementary mistakes, if you can not remember the information you have recently received, names, titles, it is a signal that you need to rest.

Chronic fatigue

Let’s say you went to bed on time, slept 8-9 hours, but you still feel broken. Sometimes this is due to the fact that sleep is shallow. But the feeling of lack of energy can be and after a good night’s sleep. And it is explained by a change in the hormonal background, which occurs against the background of chronic fatigue.

If the immune system has failed, it is a sign that the adrenal glands do not cope with the increased load. Accordingly, the level of production of hormones that adapt us to the stressful situation decreases. Therefore, if you have become often sick without special reasons, it is necessary to be examined, take a blood test and, in the absence of violations, just rest.

Unreasonable irritability

Sometimes people, even because of a small irritation, instantly “wind up”. This may be a sign that against the background of overload very much deplete the reserves of magnesium – a trace element important for the nervous system. If you feel that you are constantly “on edge”, if you began to complain about you colleagues and relatives, if you yourself after emotional outbursts long come to yourself, it is a wake-up call. It is worth taking tests to identify and compensate for the deficiency of trace elements, vitamins, such as vitamins B, which against the background of psychoemotional overload required in large quantities.

Apathy and asthenia

Sometimes it’s as if we live in “Groundhog Day”, day after day repeats a monotonous sequence of actions. We realize that we need to do something, but there is no time, desire or strength left for ourselves. Such a rhythm of life undoubtedly leads to psychological deviations, episodes of depression. This may be due to the fact that the body lacks such neurotransmitters as dopamine (it motivates us) and serotonin (brings joy). Their presence allows us to work with enthusiasm, to expect a good result, and their absence – gives birth to a sense of routine.

But perhaps it’s not just dopamine and serotonin. To this may be added a psychological disorder that requires correction. Asthenia differs from normal fatigue in that it doesn’t go away after a little rest. If we do not recover after a weekend, it is no longer just fatigue. And only a doctor can decide whether the body needs medication support or just rest.

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