A hike in the mountains with Belyaev and a scene on the helipad. How was New Star Weekend?

A hike in the mountains with Belyaev and a scene on the helipad. How was New Star Weekend?

Andrey Pankov

Andrei Pankov

How was New Star Weekend - 2023?

Audio version:

Report from Rosa Khutor.

From September 21 to 24 at Rosa Khutor resort for the second time in history was organized a music and sports festival in the mountains New Star Weekend from the team of the annual winter event New Star Camp.

This year, more than 50 artists performed at the festival. The headliners were such musicians as BIICLA, WOZHD, BLIZKEY, Medjikul, fck stereotypes and live band Symbol, ESSAII, Kedr Livanskiy, Errortica, Reptiloid, Flaty, Mashkov. And quite famous DJ Izhevski played his set right in the park of waterfalls “Mendelija”. But it should be said that even those who didn’t have time for the set were satisfied with the walk through the park of waterfalls – so successful was the place chosen for the performance.

As for the sports component, this year, as in the past, the emphasis was made on active leisure activities: PEAK CLIMB RIDE, BMX Action on the ramp in the form of a wave.

In conversation with the creator of the event Igor Ignatiev, we learned that the experiment with the fall festival fully justifies itself. Now it is a full-fledged top event attracting people from all corners of the country.

One of the main advantages of the fall event, in my opinion, was the ESCAPE stage. It was located right on the background of the mountains, a little bit away from the main venue, but it was on it that the most beautiful DJ performances took place. Everyone who reached the stage near the helipad got an aesthetic pleasure from the combination of light and music.

The main highlight of the festival was PARTY HIKE – everyone who decided to test themselves made a hike up to the height of 1610 m for the sake of Anton Belyaev’s concert, which took place on a makeshift stage.

The ascent itself allowed us to learn a lot of interesting things about ourselves and those who walked beside us. The most impressive were those who stopped for a rest every 15 minutes, but still reached the final point faster than many others.

The organizers have already announced that New Star Weekend will be held again next year. Plans include expanding the venue, inviting more famous artists and possibly extending the festival for a few more days.

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