Appetizing shapes: how many calories are in popular fast food?

Appetizing shapes: how many calories are in popular fast food?

How not to accidentally eat a week’s worth of calories in a day.

A calorie is the unit of energy we expend to perform physical activities. Feeling strong hunger after various physical activities, we hurry to get rid of this feeling, that is, we saturate our body with calories. The norm of consumption and consumption per day is individual. There are several ways to find out yours. For example, multiply the body weight by 24 (the number of hours in a day).

Then the result will be as close as possible to your personal needs. But what to eat so as not to exceed the daily norm? The food should obviously be light and healthy. And, it seems, we will have to give up fast food. We offer to guess how caloric are all the usual dishes that are most often found in fast food restaurants.

The main thing you need to know is that all these foods are not just caloric, they contain so-called empty calories. These are found in foods that are high in fat.

And remember that you should not go overboard with proper nutrition either. Once a week boldly resort to light violations of the rules. This will help you relieve nervous tension and will not allow the body to slow down metabolic processes.

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