Biohacking coach: once a year, I eat nothing but onion soup for a whole week. I’ll tell you why

Galina Khusainova

Provisioner, health-coach, biohacking coach

From time to time I stick to detox starvation because I have a personal problem – three gene breakdowns.

It’s about the so-called obesity genes, when a person can’t be satiated for a long time when eating and gets hungry very quickly. In this case, any animal fats are very quickly digested and deposited in the form of extra pounds.

What do I do for me personally?

For me, the most effective method is a week on onion soup. This dish is prepared with a lot of onions, vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, paprika) and seasonings.

Soup recipe:

  • onions – 6 pcs;
  • cabbage – 1/4 of a small cauliflower;
  • tomatoes – 1-2 pcs;
  • herbs – a bundle;
  • green pepper (paprika) – to taste;
  • seasonings – curry, salt, coriander or dill seed.

Boil for no more than 10 minutes, let infuse for one hour.

During the week, this soup can be eaten as much as you want, but there are restrictions on other products. For example, on the first day it is allowed to eat only vegetables, on the second day – fruit, on the fourth day – and vegetables and fruit.

At the same time I do not aggravate gastritis, reduces swelling, improves sleep, clears the skin. And, most importantly for me, joint pain is gone. It also tightens my waist and normalizes my weight.

I start such a detox hunger strike when I accumulate five to eight extra kilograms of my preferred weight. Next, I find it easier to stick to a restrained diet. Previously I did it three to four times a year, now I do it prophylactically once a year.

How did I learn about the onion diet and what is the point?

20 years ago, when I just started my career as a pharmacy manager, our director, a young man weighing 107 kg, suddenly and very healthy entered the normal weight of 96 kg. It turned out that he used a diet with onion soup and in three or four approaches he achieved excellent results. Well, all the women in our pharmacy rushed to apply this method.

Restrictions on days

There is a whole system here, it is important to adhere to it. From experience I can say that during the diet I did not starve. Those who allowed themselves “exceptions”, the result did not get. Honest agreement with yourself for a week – honest result on the scales.

Soup – at least once a day.

  • Day 1: soup and fruit (except bananas and grapes).
  • Day 2: soup and vegetables (you can: raw, canned, stewed, stewed, on water, leafy, greens; can not: peas, legumes, corn).
  • Day 3: soup, fruits and vegetables.
  • Day 4: soup, fruits and vegetables, you can have one banana.
  • Day 5: soup, beef (300-400 g) and tomatoes (canned tomatoes are allowed).
  • Day 6: soup, beef, leafy vegetables.
  • Day 7: soup, brown rice, fruit juices, vegetables.

Important warning: exclude onion soup from your diet on days when you are not on a diet, this is the main rule.

Is it difficult to comply?

The first days are easy. On the fourth day the soup can get boring, on the sixth day – it does not fit at all. And on the seventh day it seems that you can continue to live like this for a second week, but then you have to stop.

Breakdowns happen, as in any diet, because the environment puts a footstool to us: people who do not support us, temptations (for example, on vacation, when you are invited to visit, or in days of stress is difficult to follow such a diet). This is a diet for a stable period.

What helps to follow the diet

  1. Drinking regimen.
  2. Cold or contrast dousings, baths, saunas. Herbal teas are acceptable on these days.
  3. Meditation.
  4. Non-exhausting sport: joint, Tibetan gymnastics, yoga “sun salutation”, a good walk.

How much is dropped during the diet

If you need to lose more than five kg, then it is better to apply the diet in two approaches. If 10 kg, then for three or four. Then it will be healthy approaches. Just make yourself such a unloading: three weeks of regular diet and the fourth week – miracle soup. These are the best results you can get: slow systematic weight loss with fixing the result. But, of course, as in any diet, here it is important to consult a specialist.

Opinion of the doctor

Rustem Sadykov

Doctor of nutritionist, gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences, clinical pharmacologist

Despite the fact that onions rarely cause allergies, in people with an incompetent intestinal barrier, it can cause a negative reaction. This includes soup made from this product.

An incompetent intestinal barrier is an increased permeability of the intestine, associated with a lack of beneficial bacteria, among other things. This can lead to the fact that onions, which is the main ingredient of the soup, will cause pain, abdominal rubber, bloating. And with frequent use, even an immune response.

In addition, one single gene of fullness, about which the heroine speaks, does not exist, and this is only one of the causes of excess pounds.

Such a diet can be called unloading, on it you can lose weight, but the fact that it will remain normal after the diet – not a fact. Any restriction – stress for the body.

Now about fruit. Fruits are an abundance of fructose. If you eat them every day in unlimited quantities, even for a week, the load on the liver, in which this fructose is metabolized, increases.

For unloading I recommend a day of fasting, only water. But this methodology is not suitable for those who have problems with the gallbladder.

Onion soup is a useful component of the diet, if you are not allergic to the components of the dish. It can be added to the diet, but I would recommend that all of the above vegetables be consumed in raw form, so they have more benefits.

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