How not to discourage your child from playing sports. Tips from a mother of two sons

How not to discourage your child from playing sports. Tips of a mom of two sons

What to do to get your child to love sports

Follow these tips to keep your son or daughter excited about every workout.

We parents live in a fast-paced, active, intense world, where the main task becomes the successful, harmonious development of children. We want to cover all areas. We want to fill the child as much as possible, to cover the ground and prepare a kind of universal fighter, successful in all areas. In this matter, sports either come to the forefront: we raise a professional, who should reach the heights of the Olympics; or we try to tighten the section, which would not interfere with scientific discoveries.

Notice that the child’s own opinion is rarely asked in this matter. Not often loving parents take into account the interests of children, hobbies, abilities and the amount of effort spent to achieve certain results. And children by virtue of age, temperament, education can not object to a significant person in his life. They unquestioningly fulfill the requests or orders of their elders. Reluctantly carry in the morning baulks with hockey equipment, without joy running on a green soccer field, without scoring a single goal. Or, on the contrary, they ask to enroll in the acrobatic section, but are refused. Because excessive anxiety and care dictates wrong advice to adults.

The child becomes the embodiment of unrealized ambitions, desires of parents or fears. As if they were transported by time machine to the past and want to realize their dreams, or perhaps due to the wrong despotic authoritarian upbringing to maximally shield the child from excessive stress.

Hence there are further difficulties in family relationships and children’s success. Confirmed by the stories of friends and relatives about suddenly abandoned sports sections, broken, gone into depression teenagers. What to do to make sport a pleasant hobby or a real meaning of life for a child without psychological trauma? And what to the child’s body sports will be useful in general?

Yulia Volkova

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As a rule, children are given to sports at an early age for hardening. Physical activity allows the young body to be more resistant to certain diseases and makes the immune system stronger. When a child plays sports, his or her muscular corset becomes stronger and helps the skeleton to form properly, which is the posture in the first place. Consequently, even if the child does not plan to set records, his health and nervous system will say only thanks. For the basis for the future is already laid.

  1. The main thing – decide on your own desires and ambitions. Before designating a direction in sports, ask yourself why your child needs it. Will it be additional professional education or sport you want to include for general physical development? A clear and understandable answer will help you build a convenient schedule, reduce the load, and avoid conflicts with children in the future.
  2. Correctly assess the child’s abilities. If your goal is to raise a professional athlete, you need to know the child’s abilities, physical data, involvement, interests and psychological attitude as accurately as possible. Remember, personality type and character play an important role here. It is not unreasonable to seek the help of a psychologist or an experienced coach. They will be able to give a comprehensive characterization and evaluate the data of the child. So it will be easier to make a decision.
  3. Take into account the interests and hobbies of children. It is difficult to motivate for Greco-Roman wrestling offspring, who spends days and nights in the arms of a book and writes in the diary of observation of the flights of birds. It is almost impossible to sit a hyperactive child down for chess who started kicking a ball as soon as he took his first step in life. This does not mean that a child’s interests cannot change as they grow up. And here another important task is to catch the change in hobbies and recognize new interests. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your child.
  4. Be an example. There is nothing better for children than a positive visual image of a fit, enthusiastic adult. A child is more likely to be interested in skiing when they see the eyes of a parent rubbing paraffin wax on their skis when the first snow arrives. It’s hard to inspire victories without the desire to play sports yourself.
  5. Don’t be disappointed if things don’t go according to plan. If suddenly your child decided to quit the section, do not make a drama. Talk and discuss calmly why he wants to do this. Sometimes the reasons may be related to conflicts in the team, discord with the coach. An honest, open conversation will help both you and your child understand the reasons for the refusal. There is a chance that after the conversation he will change his mind or want to change direction in sports.
  6. Don’t set expectations too high. Even if your child has a great set of physical attributes, he or she doesn’t have to become an Olympic champion. Always remain a friend and counselor. Be supportive, respectful of all opinions.
  7. Keep a balance of rest and training. Feel when your child needs an extra day off from physical activity and when you can take an extra class. Children can be lazy, in which case we advise you to be persistent. But sometimes under the reluctance to exercise can hide specific reasons: ill health, conflicts, school workload.

All parents want his child to be the best, fastest and strongest. Hence the desire to develop his abilities as widely as possible. But remember – this is not the main thing. Your child is already the best for you. Let sports become only an additional tool to unlock his potential.

Earlier we told you about how much it costs to give your daughter to the rhythmic gymnastics section. The story of a mom can be found in this article.
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