What do you need for good health, comfortable life and beautiful appearance? A strong and healthy body! For this purpose, the goal of your training should be not only a beautiful and trim figure, but also five basic physical qualities: strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, agility. After all, only the totality of these indicators will help to form a harmonious physical training. This time we will dwell on endurance and try to understand what it is, how to check and improve it.
Endurance is the ability of the body to perform strenuous work for a long period of time, while not reducing intensity and performance. It is one of the key indicators of a healthy life. Globally, two types of endurance can be distinguished: emotional and physical.
The first allows the body to cope with stress quite calmly, not to succumb to emotional outbursts. The second gives the ability to reduce energy expenditure in the performance of any action, quickly recover after its performance and, accordingly, to do more work. In this article we are more interested in physical endurance.
leader of the “Street Athletics” sports movement
Endurance is the first indicator of a person’s efficiency and performance in ordinary life, as well as in the field of sports training. It is important to alternate endurance training with the development of other qualities.
Depending on the type of activity, there are distinguished:
- general endurance. It refers to the physical capabilities of the body, allowing you to perform everyday tasks, often associated with everyday life. It affects how easily you feel during the day, how long you can stay awake and stay in an active phase;
- specialized endurance. In this case, we are talking about specific loads that are characteristic of a particular sport or profession. Their prolonged performance can cause difficulties not only for ordinary people, but also for trained athletes.
Endurance is also divided by the type of physical exercise:
- speed endurance. If this type is developed in a person, then he can perform fast movements for a long time without fatigue and violation of technique. For example, acceleration or marathon running;
- speed-force endurance. It enables the athlete to perform highly active actions of a forceful nature for a long period of time;
- coordination endurance. In this case, we are talking about the accuracy and technique of each movement, repeated repetition of such actions and shows the presence of this type of endurance. It is often inherent in gymnasts;
- power endurance. The development of this type of endurance indicates that the muscles are able to contract repeatedly after a minimum period of time, and the performance of heavy exercises can take place for a long time without visible technical violations.
How do you determine endurance?
To determine endurance, a series of various tests have been created. One of the popular ways in our country is becoming a test for the level of physical fitness “Street Athletics”. This is a multifunctional test that does not require special equipment or equipment, aimed at assessing the general condition. It is suitable for both beginners and trained athletes, which is certainly an advantage.
“Street Athletics” consists of two interrelated stages: a test of general endurance and a test of strength endurance. This combination helps to determine the functional capabilities and performance of the body. Regular passing of this test (once in 2-3 months) will allow you to monitor the progress and development of physical qualities during training.
The first stage: “Cooper’s Running Test”
To perform the test, a person should run or walk the maximum possible distance in 12 minutes and compare their performance with the results of Kenneth Cooper’s testing system. It is necessary to find a flat, dry surface and choose a day that is not very cold or hot, this will allow you to get the most accurate results.
You can also perform this step on a treadmill, to recreate street conditions, you need to set the slope of 1-2%. And don’t forget that before starting physical activity, you need to perform a warm-up. Try to maintain a set intensity after the start, rather than speeding up and slowing down, the pace should be even.
This will help to determine the functional capacity and overall performance of the body at the start of training. Among other things, it can be used to track the progress and development of physical qualities in athletes during regular training. The evaluation system in the table.
Cooper test norms
Second stage: strength and power endurance test
In strength exercises, endurance helps to determine the complex of four techniques. It is performed with your own weight according to the formula: one minute of work, three minutes for rest, and then switch to another test. The more repetitions you can do, the higher the level of endurance. But watch out for the correct execution, its violation affects not only the result, but also your health.
Pull-ups on the bar with a straight grip
- Grasp the bar with a straight grip, brushes are located slightly wider than your shoulders.
- Pull the body up by bending the elbows and exhaling.
- Try not to move the body, tense the body.
- At the top point, the chin rises above the bar, and the elbows are bent and pressed against the body.
- As you exhale, lower yourself down without jerking.
- Put your feet at shoulder width, turn the feet at 45 degrees.
- The back should be flat, and the lower back – keep a natural bend.
- The gaze is directed forward.
- As you inhale, lower yourself down to the parallel of the hips with the floor, at the bottom point the angle under the knee forms 90 degrees. In this case, the knee does not extend beyond the toe line.
- You can tilt the body slightly forward when performing the exercise.
- Then exhale and rise back to the starting position.
Push-ups from the floor with a wide stance of the hands
- Stand in a plank position on straight arms, arms spread slightly wider than your shoulders. Put your feet together.
- The body should form one straight line from the top of the head to the heels.
- The load is evenly distributed on the entire surface of the palm and fingers.
- As you inhale, lower yourself down until your elbows begin to form a right angle and there are 3-5 centimeters from your chest to the floor.
- As you exhale, push your body back up by using the strength of your arms and the tension of your body.
- At the top point, do not straighten your elbows completely, they are always slightly bent.
- Lie down on the mat, bend your legs and rest your feet on the floor at the width of the pelvis, try to fix the feet.
- Put your hands in a lock on the back of your head.
- As you exhale, lift your body up, bring your elbows together and touch your knees.
- As you exhale, return to the starting position and separate your elbows.
In order to evaluate the results, use the table. The data in the table are averages and may vary slightly depending on the sex and age of the subject.
Cooper test norms
Check your endurance and remember that if you don’t like the result, you can always improve it, you just need to give a little more time to training and your body.