Longevity cocktail: nutritionist named 10 drinks that slow down aging

Pavel Ivakin

nutritionist, employee of the scientific department of Bio-Vesta Research and Development Company

Human age is considered to be an unchangeable factor. But we all know that in addition to the “passport” (according to the date of birth) age, there is also a biological age, which really reflects the state of the body and can be changed through nutritional substances.

The following are the drinks that prolong youth.

Green tea

Known for a long time as an anti-ageing agent. Yes, green tea is the strongest antioxidant, it suppresses pathological processes in the body, protects against age-related diseases, atherosclerosis (damage to the walls of blood vessels), hypertension, diabetes.

But most interestingly, in addition to dozens of undoubtedly useful properties, the drink contains a very important substance that prolongs youth – epigallocatechin-3-gallate. It suppresses the growth of bad cells, protects against neoplasms, increases resistance and defenses of the body.

Scientists have found out that green tea slows down aging. How it works, told at the link.

Grape juice

Red grapes can also be called “prolonger of youth”. The fruit has a specific substance known more as an antioxidant – resveratrol.

This polyphenol contribute to the prevention of cancer degenerative disease of the nervous system, Alzheimer’s disease, counteracts viral and fungal infections.

But do not forget that the fruit has a lot of sugar, so you should not get carried away with it.

Cabbage juice

The product is for the amateur, but in cabbage juice there is a useful substance with a romantic name – sulforaphane. This is also a “prolonger of youth”, which protects against the risks of hereditary predisposition to various diseases.

Of the variety of cabbages (each of which has sulforaphane), broccoli has the highest content of this substance. You can make juice from the product yourself: it’s time to take a blender or juicer in hand – and go!

Soy milk

Soy milk has the substance ginestin, which prolongs youth, among other things. That said, it’s important that it contains genetically unmodified varieties of soy.


The undeniable benefit of kefir, prepared with the use of a natural starter – kefir fungi – help in the work of the intestines, reducing putrefactive processes, and therefore the general intoxication of the body – is obvious.

The role of the product in maintaining a healthy microflora is very important. Why? The fact is that it is the intestine that regulates all the above substances in the composition of drinks. That is, it is a kind of conductor of health and prolongation of youth.


This is a fermented milk product that is rarely found in Russia, since it is difficult to produce. But it is quite realistic to find bifilin, it is recommended to drink it in courses, 10 days a month.

If we talk about the composition, bifilin is sterilized at a temperature above 100 degrees Celsius milk with a completely destroyed microbial composition of raw materials. Further, without access to oxygen, human probiotic bifidobacteria are introduced into this environment.

It is the latter that restores the entire individual diversity of all healthy human bacteria in the intestine. And microflora, as we remember, the main conductor of health. And if kefir helps her in this, then bifilin – restores the microflora.

Juices with herbs

Freshly squeezed juices with herbs enrich the body with vitamins. For those who want to prepare a drink at home, in the winter period it makes sense to use microgreens. It has a beneficial effect on the immune and digestive system, reduces bad cholesterol, promotes active cell regeneration.

But you should not forget that any frees – this is a serious and not the most favorable effect on the enamel of the teeth. Therefore, act without fanaticism: three to five times a week.

Recipes of nutritious smoothies for a productive workout can be found here.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice contains lycopene, a precursor to vitamin A. The condition of the skin, appearance largely depends on the normal content of the substance in the body. Antioxidant protects against the development of wrinkles and maintains the elasticity of the skin.

But those who have problems with the pancreas, the use of tomato juice should be limited.

Rosehip decoction

The drink contains a lot of vitamin C – a strong antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. Ascorbic acid is also good for the blood.


The most important and indispensable health drink. Because water in our body is mainly in the state of liquid crystals, of which there are more than 40 types. On their quality in the body depend on all the processes of vital activity.

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