Lose 100 pounds to find yourself. A blogger’s weight loss story

Lose 100 pounds to find yourself. A blogger’s weight loss story

Pavel Shishkin

Lilia Nilova's weight loss story

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It took Lilia Nilova several attempts, but success comes to the patient.

Do you remember the miraculous transformations of the main characters of fairy tales or cartoons, when their appearance from unsightly looks becomes a kind of ideal of beauty? Overweight people strive for something similar, trying to get a good figure. To do this, they completely change their lifestyle – regularly spend time in the gym, try to move more and watch their diet. Today, together with an expert we will tell about Lilia Nilova, who lost almost 100 kilograms and shares her experience in her Instagram.

Weight problems

Lilia Nilova

Lilia Nilova

Excessive kilograms bothered Lilya since childhood. In her youth, she tried to lose weight, but she could not achieve the desired result. In parallel, the girl developed, tried herself in different professions and at the age of 25 earned her first million.

At this point, after years of struggle with excess weight and countless series of failures, Nilova decided to take up her appearance again to change it for the better. She became a real fan of the gym and healthy food, devoting a large amount of time to this. The result did not take long to wait – the girl’s weight ceased to be three-digit and amounted to 90 kilograms.

However, grueling training had a negative impact on health. Lilia began to have problems with her back, because of which she had to leave regular trips to the gym. Due to the sedentary lifestyle, the dropped kilograms returned to the girl, after which she fell into depression. As a result – the figure 150 on the scales and pain when walking.

The right approach – everything is the head

But Lilya did not give up. Having overcome all sorts of obstacles, she again took up her figure. Only this time she began not with a trip to the gym, but with an appointment with a psychologist to look into the root of the problem.

After a while, the girl again reached the lost indicators. Her weight was about 90 kilograms.

The recipe for success turned out to be as simple as possible – reducing the portion by half. At this stage, Nilova makes a deed that radically changed her life. Fulfilling a longtime dream, she moves to Los Angeles, where she meets her future husband, who is a specialist in the field of nutrition. He helped the girl to find the right diet for further weight loss. Now the girl’s weight is 56 kilograms, which is a huge victory for the heroine of today’s article.

What is the secret?

The secret of her method is as follows:

  • it is necessary to love yourself and your body;
  • the basis of the diet – healthy food, including nuts, eggs, berries, vegetables, salads. Smoothies, by the way, are also on this list;
  • exclude sweet, flour, fatty, dairy, meat, alcohol and coffee from your meals. Because of the abundance of sugars, you will also have to remove fruits from your diet.
Alexander Demidko

Alexander Demidko

rehabilitation coach

A great example that shows that to achieve goals – whether it’s gaining muscle mass, recovering from injury or losing weight – we need planning without drastic measures to painlessly achieve results. Everyone is a set of individuals and success requires a broad approach, working primarily with lifestyle and various stressors. In this case we see a lot of work done not only with physical health, but also with psychology and attitude.

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