Motivating workout playlist: suitable for both intense workouts and cool-downs

Motivating workout playlist: suitable for both intense workouts and cool-downs

Naida Saidova

Naida Saidova

A motivational playlist from the editor of Motivation

The selection even includes the Russian State Symphony Orchestra.

Music is something that creates a special mood. Especially in training, you can’t argue with that. Maximum charge and positive emotions are important. We in the editorial team came up with a way to realize our ambitions as unfulfilled DJs. Each of us made our own motivational playlist, which helps us not only in the hall, but also in difficult and confusing moments.

For me, the biggest challenge in making a playlist is to stop. That’s why I spent a little more time on choosing these 12 tracks than their length.

Music plays a big role in my life – it helps me be sad, have fun and even take action. It is the tracks that move me towards my goals that I want to share. I’ll tell you more about some of the tracks that are special to me, and you can find the playlist below.

Kanye West – Stronger

In 2017, I ran what I felt was an incredible distance for the first time – 20km. I don’t know what exactly – my willpower or the Kanye track cycling on – helped me do it, but I’m still very proud of myself. Since then, this track evokes fond memories in me and helps me find my strength when it’s hiding very deep.

L’One – Nobody But Us

At the beginning of 2021 I made a big motivational video for the Russian junior squash team. I wanted to support the very young guys before the main start in their career – most of them were going to a big adult tournament for the first time. Every line of this song was a reflection of their daily routine and the efforts that the kids and their parents put in. I still get goosebumps when I look at this video and listen to the lyrics of the track. Isn’t it a precise hit?

GROT – Postmirage

I’ve been avoiding this track for a long time because of its complicated title, but when I was lucky enough to listen to it from beginning to end, I felt very warm. The main insight that I get again and again when I put it in my headphones is “Life is just life. It just needs to be lived.”

Wamdue Project – King of my Castle

Both the original and the updated version of this song help me believe in myself and remember that the main person who can do anything is myself.

Russian State Symphony Orchestra – Don’t lose heart

I started humming these lines back when I didn’t understand half of the words. But I was already inspired by the strong and confident music and the solid performance. It’s great that after so many years the mood of this song has only increased in me.

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