Today, in her author ‘ s column #DietologistReviews doctor, cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences, member of the National Society of Dietitians, Russian Cardiology Society, WORLD CLASS Romanov doctor Oksana Lishchenko will tell you how to count calories correctly and not go crazy with their constant recalculation.
The most important law of dietetics
In its simplest version, this law sounds like this: if you spend calories more than you eat, you will definitely lose weight. This is a rule that works always, everywhere and with everyone! Unless, of course, you’re a mutant or an alien. Let’s deal with it.
The most important law of dietetics: the law of energy balance – the correct balance between calorie intake and expenditure. The energy value of the diet (calories) should be equal to the energy expenditure of the body, if you consume more calories than you spend – they will begin to be deposited in the form of fat reserves and excess weight, if less – you will begin to reduce weight.
So, there is a concept: the basic metabolism – this is the minimum number of calories that every day consumes your body, even at rest, that is, when it is lying down and not moving. This spending is needed for the heart, lungs, brain, to maintain body temperature, and so on. What exactly your basal metabolic rate will be depends on your gender, height, age and weight. On average for women it is about 1300-1500 kcal and for men it is 1500-2000 kcal.
An example for understanding: for example, we got in the calculation that in the state of rest your body spends 1500 kcal, but in the usual physical activity (you go to work, perhaps, do sports, household chores, etc.) – so at this habitual for you way of life your body spends not 1500, but more – for example, 2000 kcal!
Then, how do you figure out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight? If we calculate that you spend 2000 kcal, then you should eat 20 percent less – that is, about 1600 kcal.
Most importantly, the difference between calorie consumption and expenditure should not be more than 20-30%, then we really create conditions in the body for fat burning and muscle gain, and not put the body in a state of hunger or stress. For example, if a person receives 1000 kcal (a difference of 50%) from a meal at an energy expenditure of 2000 kcal, he can certainly lose weight, but most likely at the expense of water and muscle. The body experiences a very large calorie deficit, “starves”, and tries to store fat as a strategic energy reserve. This leaves a very high probability of breakdowns, hormonal disruptions and back gaining even more weight.
How to correctly calculate the caloric content of the diet step by step?
1. Calculate your basal metabolism.
– using the Harris-Benedict formula (pictured).
– found in the conclusion of a body composition analysis (bioimpedance).
Example: your basal metabolismje 1600 kcal.
2. Add 10% of that to your basal metabolism.
(specific dynamic effect of food)
Example: add 10% (160 kcal) to your basic metabolism of 1600 kcal – you get 1760 kcal.
3. Multiply the obtained figure by your level of physical activity (what it will be in the near future). At the consultation, we calculate this point more precisely and individually – depending on the specific type of your physical activity (what kind of training, how many times a week and so on).
Example: if you lead a sedentary lifestyle (coefficient 1.4), then 1760 kcal multiplied by 1.4 – you get 2464 kcal.
4. Calculate the diet depending on your weight goal: reduce weight – take away 20%, maintain weight – do not change anything, gain weight – add 20%.
Example: if you want to lose weight, then from 2464 kcal take away 20% (492.8 kcal) – we get 1971.2 kcal.
5. Round up the obtained figure – this is the calorie content of your diet.
Example: we round up 1971,2 kcal – we get 2000 kcal – with this caloric content of your diet you will achieve your weight loss goal.
I don’t want to count calories!
And you don’t have to count them! Calories and composition of the diet (proteins-fats-carbohydrates) are calculated by a nutritionist and translated into grams of food or any other easily understandable benchmarks (portion size in spoons, glasses, cups and so on). Of course, when you are given recommendations in grams and you weigh your food for a few days – this is the most effective option for proper body composition change, leading most quickly to the cherished result of minus 4 kg of fat in a month (and we’ve already discussed that these are very real and safe numbers and goals). After a few days of weighing food, you will understand by eye how much salad, meat or porridge you should eat!
There are simplified techniques that help you choose the volume of food based on visual cues – “fist size”, “half a plate”, “like a golf ball” and so on. Today we’ll tell you the SECRETS of nutrition for those who don’t want to count calories and fuss!
1. The plate rule
What does an IDEAL plate with the correct distribution of food for lunch or dinner look like? Half of the plate should be vegetables and fruits (a source of fiber), 1/4 of the plate should be protein (meat, fish, poultry, seafood) and another 1/4 of the plate should be carbohydrates in the form of a side dish (cereal, pasta, potatoes) or a piece of bread. Does your plate usually look like this? Check it out!
2. Hand rule
You can use your palm to determine the recommended serving size of different foods at each meal:
1. high-protein foods – should be the size of the palm of your hand without fingers, the same size and thickness (a piece of meat, fish, poultry, a serving of seafood, cottage cheese or eggs).
2. vegetables-fruits (in any form, except juices, for example, a portion of salad) – the size of a fist (and do not forget, for the day you should eat at least 500 grams of fruits and vegetables), for thin people exclude potatoes (it is referred to garnishes) and very sweet fruits – grapes, bananas, figs, dates, persimmons.
3. portion of garnish (cereals, pasta, potatoes) – the size of a handful (how much will approximately fit in the palm of your hand). This item can be replaced with 1-2 slices of yeast-free bread or munchies.
4. portion of fats (butter, nuts, cheese, etc.) – the size of a thumb: a handful of nuts (about 30g per day), 1 tbsp per day of any vegetable oil (as a salad dressing).
3. Food delivery services
For some people the salvation is ordering food through food delivery services. You and your nutritionist calculate the required calories and composition of the diet and choose a meal program from a variety of existing delivery services. Who can benefit from this method:
– Those who don’t like or don’t have time to cook,
– those who need a fast, but at the same time correct and stable effect of fat burning or muscle mass gain (preparation for important events in life),
– those who want to get help (a kind of training in proper nutrition) in the first stages, and then continue to cook on their own,
– women after the birth of a child, when you need to properly reduce weight, and there is no time to cook,
– those who are busy at work, when it is more important to do career, but at the same time to maintain a proper balanced diet.
Top 5 evil sources of calories that prevent you from losing weight
A few lifehacks to help make your diet less calorie-dense:
1. take into account that vegetables-fruits-fruits-berries are also carbohydrates (not just porridge and bread). These foods can also be “overeaten in calories” imperceptibly,
2. remove animal fats from your diet (lard, fatty meat, fatty poultry, etc.), be careful with the right healthy fats: nuts, cheese, avocados, olives,
3. eliminate easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, jam, candy, sweet carbonated drinks, confectionery),
4. limit starch-containing foods (bread, cereals, potatoes, pasta),
5. absolutely exclude alcohol – and it’s not just about the caloric content of alcoholic beverages!
Nutritionists reorient your diet to increase in the diet of healthy foods and reduce harmful ones. Everyone knows that a habit is formed in 21 days, and developing new eating behaviors and new tastes is no exception. We emphasize the consumption of a sufficient amount of protein products (meat, fish, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy products) and a large number of vegetables, fruits, berries, on the observance of drinking and eating habits. And you will gradually form new favorite right foods with normal caloric content, which will bring pleasure, benefit and result.