On the alternative: what’s different about plant-based milk coffee?

These days, there are many options for replacing regular cow’s milk. You can find beverages made from soy, coconut, oats, almonds and even rice on store shelves. But how much healthier is plant milk than animal milk? And is it possible to lose weight on coffee with milk alternatives?

What is plant milk made from?

Plant milk has many obvious pluses. First, it is a product that is extracted from plants without harming animals. Such milk is suitable for vegans and those who are allergic to lactose.

Secondly, depending on the raw materials from which the product is produced, the flavor of milk changes. Even in the Russian market, which is not yet so rich in novelties, there is quite a wide choice. By the method of sampling, you can pick up a drink that will appeal to you. But even with plant milk you should be careful – such analogs can cause an allergic reaction if you can not use the product from which it is made – for example, coconut shavings or almonds.

Thirdly, plant-based milk almost catches up with cow’s milk in terms of the amount of beneficial substances. However, this only works if you mix several milk alternatives at once, as they differ in energy value.

Unfortunately, to bring analogs closer to the original, resort not only to mixing. It is not uncommon to see many chemical additives in the composition of vegetable drinks. For example, mineral salts such as calcium carbonate, phosphates, chloride and hydroxide. The large amount of calcium (about 42%) in alternatives to cow’s milk is often due to these substances.

Soy milk

In 100 ml:

  • 54 kcal;
  • 3.3 g proteins;
  • 1.8 g fats;
  • 5.7 g carbohydrates.

Soy is an important source of protein, especially for people following a vegetarian diet. The benefits of soy milk are primarily due to the isoflavones it contains, which are special substances with anti-cancer properties.

However, consumers regularly complain about the “bean” taste of soy beverage. And various impurities can often be found in the composition. For these reasons, soy milk lost its leadership in the market of vegetable analogs and gave way to almond milk.

In addition, high temperature and acidity can provoke curdling of soy milk, which often happens when it is added to hot and sour coffee. To avoid this, you can use less acidic varieties of the invigorating beverage – for example, Colombian or Brazilian. You should also wait for the coffee to cool down a bit before blending.

Almond milk

In 100 ml:

  • 51 kcal;
  • 18.6 g proteins;
  • 53.7 g fats;
  • 13 g carbohydrates.

Almond drinks are in demand because of their pleasant taste and characteristic aroma. This nut contains a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids, which play not the least role in the weight loss process. In addition, almonds are a source of many nutrients, including protein, fiber, manganese and vitamin E. Meanwhile, the latter is important for eye and skin health, as well as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Almond milk has a distinctive nutty flavor that can be slightly bitter. Therefore, you will probably have to add sugar or other sweeteners to your coffee. Almond milk can be used to make silky foam, but it can separate when heated. Therefore, latte art made with this milk, although it looks good on top of the frothy layer, has a watery liquid underneath.

Rice milk

In 100 ml:

  • 60 kcal;
  • 0.1 g proteins;
  • 1.3 g fat;
  • 12.2 g carbohydrates.

Rice has always been considered a rich source of carbohydrates. If you have tasted milk made from rice, you must have noticed that it is much sweeter than cow’s milk. Processing during the preparation of this beverage leads to the breakdown of carbohydrates into sugars, which is what gives rice milk its characteristic sweet flavor.

In addition, this alternative is the least allergic of the popular plant-based counterparts.

Its thin and watery texture prevents coffee from having the usual creamy consistency. In addition, rice milk does not contain enough protein to create a beautiful foam.

Coconut milk

In 100 ml:

  • 138 kcal;
  • 1.81 g proteins;
  • 13.08 g fats;
  • 3.46 g carbohydrates.

This milk is derived from grated coconut flesh, which is rich in fat. The fruit itself grows in tropical climates and is exported to North America and Europe in canned form.

According to research, coconut (especially coconut oil) has antimicrobial and antifungal properties due to the acids it contains.

Using coconut milk in coffee can help bring a tropical touch of flavor without the use of artificial flavorings, and the naturally dense consistency won’t unnecessarily dilute the coffee. Coconut milk creates a less dense foam with larger bubbles than regular milk.

Cow’s milk

In 100 ml:

  • 65 kcal;
  • 3.2 g proteins;
  • 3.6 g fat;
  • 4.8 g carbohydrates.

Whole cow’s milk is beneficial to human health: the interaction between calcium, phosphorus, protein and vitamin D increases bone formation and strengthens bone tissue. But the link between milk fat and obesity is nothing more than a rumor.

Whole milk tastes richer and creamier than low-fat milk, so it will taste different in coffee. In addition, the drink is rich in natural vitamins A, D, E and K.

Traditionally, it is cow’s milk that is used for lattes and cappuccinos. However, for those who have decided to give up animal milk or are lactose intolerant, this option is not suitable.

Which milk is healthier?

Unfortunately, it is still impossible to unequivocally answer this question. Scientists, having compared the effect of vegetable and cow’s milk on humans, have come to the conclusion that there is not enough data at the moment and it is necessary to continue research.

In fact, there is no need to give up cow’s milk for no particular reason. If you do decide to find an alternative, it’s different for everyone – it all depends on your tastes, nutrition and health.

However, don’t worry that you’ll lose important nutrients if you opt for a plant-based alternative. You just need to watch your diet and stick to a balanced diet. Moreover, whatever milk you add to your coffee, the amount will not be enough to have a significant effect.

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