The world of yoga is vast. Sometimes you have to spend quite a lot of time and effort to study it, but the results always lead to a point of harmony and pleasure. One of the popular practices is Kundalini. Together with an expert, let’s understand all the subtleties and find out why only a trained person can practice it.
yoga instructor
“Kundalini yoga has a beneficial effect on our material and spiritual activities, harmoniously developing each sphere.”
The essence of Kundalini Yoga
To get into the depth of this type of yoga, it is necessary to understand what, in fact, the term “Kundalini” is. Some gurus understand it to mean all the results of our labors from past rebirths, the so-called “fuel” produced in the past, contained in the body and moving a person through life, conditioning his thoughts, actions and deeds. However, the most widespread characteristic, which many practicing yogis and teachers adhere to, is the energy being in a “sleeping” state in the coccyx area, in the form of a snake wrapped up in a ball.
If Kundalini is an energy, it should benefit and serve a person, and not be stagnant or atomized. Thus, the essence of this direction is to awaken the inner energy by means of kriya, parnayama and chanting mantras. This is only a means of awakening the Kundalini.
Kriya – sequential energizing exercises with directional effects.
Pranayama – a breathing practice.
Mantra – a set of sounds, phonemes, words or phrases in Sanskrit that have resonant, psychological and spiritual effects.
What chakras are there?
In the human body, along the vertical line of the spine, there are seven chakras – energy centers through which prana, i.e. life energy, flows. For a clearer understanding, imagine seven whirlpools connected by ducts through which water flows, from one to another. When garbage enters a channel, which can be negative thoughts, heavy emotions, hatred and so on, the water cannot flow smoothly and eventually stagnates in one of the whirlpools. In the same way our energy, stagnating in any chakra, begins to destroy from within.
Root chakra (Muladhara). It is located at the very bottom, at the base of the spine and is responsible for providing the basic need for safety, stability, security. When this chakra is worked through, we feel a footing under our feet, a roof over our heads, connection and kin support.
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthisthanna). Located in the pelvic region and is directed towards sensual experiences and enjoyment of the material world.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura). Affects socialization, outward manifestation, self-actualization, obtaining monetary resources and power.
Heart Chakra (Anahata). Located in the heart area, it is responsible for sacral closeness of souls, gratitude, acceptance, love and selfless service for the benefit of living beings.
Throat Chakra (Vishudha). Directed towards creative expression, hobbies and manifesting oneself in this world as a creative unit.
Ajna chakra or the Third Eye. It develops intuition, life wisdom, helps to realize one’s mission.
Cranial chakra (Sahasrara). It is located in the projection of the head, is a thousand-petaled lotus and provides divine unity, finding harmony between the soul and the body.
So, the essence of Kundalini yoga is to awaken the energy in the root chakra – Muladhara, and then to raise it up to the crown chakra Sahasrara. By moving upward, the energy centers are activated and the things for which they are responsible are easily realized. One develops in all important areas, and progress is made spiritually. The practitioner can discover in himself new talents and abilities, love for himself and the world, purity of consciousness, and a tremendous surge of strength and vigor.
It takes an average of 40 days to open each chakra by means of kriyas, pranayamas and manthropyas, and it is necessary to practice every day, at least one hour. If you miss a session, you start all over again. A sequence of exercises is used to influence a certain chakra, which does not change and remains the same every time.
It will be interesting to note that in Russia Kundalini Yoga was originally used as a means of rehabilitation and treatment of addictions and has proved itself in this regard, helping thousands of people to overcome addictions and start a new conscious life.
What is important to know before practicing?
It is necessary to make a small reservation that practicing Kundalini Yoga can be dangerous for a spiritually unprepared person who does not know where to direct the allocated energy. If a person shows any kind of violence to himself and to others, is not inclined to reflection, does not try to be conscious in everyday life, does not watch himself and his behavior, the awakened energy will not be for good.
Therefore, before raising Kundalini, one should rise above one’s ego and earthly attachments, become a practically passionless person, as far as it is possible in modern realities, and follow the path of creation and non-violence in this life. And, most importantly, to ask yourself the question “What will I do Kundalini Yoga for?” and answer honestly to yourself. If the answer is that it is a fashionable trend and one should follow it, or to become a person “enlightened”, superior to others, one should make a decision and reconsider one’s goals. This type of yoga is a very serious spiritual practice and should be practiced according to the call of one’s own soul.
The results of the practice are:
- Gaining physical health;
- a sense of happiness and well-being;
- a sense of order in one’s thoughts;
- fighting apathy and addictions;
- acquisition of a huge amount of energy for accomplishing new tasks;
- development of love and compassion for the neighbor;
- transition to a new level of development and self-realization; life changes qualitatively, for the better.
Difference between Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga
The main differences between the two related, but still different types of yoga are as follows:
- Hatha yoga is determined more by the physical aspect, i.e. it is aimed at cleansing, strengthening, recovery of the body, although it does not exclude spiritual development, while Kundalini yoga is determined by esoteric teachings and affects primarily the soul.
- Each session in Kundalini Yoga consists of a strict, unchanging sequence of exercises, while in Hatha Yoga the practice can vary and be more varied. There is also a difference in the order in which the class is practiced.
- Kundalini Raising practice must be done every day, while Hatha Yoga can be practiced as needed at any convenient time.
- A person of any age and training can practice Hatha Yoga. Kundalini Yoga is not recommended for children and people who are not prepared first of all spiritually. In this case the best option is to practice Hatha yoga, which will give a general idea of yoga and after a while will mentally bring you to the idea of the development of the soul through Kundalini.
10 asanas for practicing Kundalini yoga
The flexion pose from Tadasana
This kriya stimulates the work of the thyroid gland, awakening it, promotes the work of the adrenal glands, opens the throat chakra.
- Stand on the mat with your toes and heels together.
- Straighten the spine, pull upward with the top of the head, take a stable position in space.
- Twist the tailbone and pelvis in one forward motion, removing the sag in the lower back.
- Take a deep breath, raising your arms above your head, joining your palms together in a “Namaste” gesture.
- As you exhale, bend backward, trying to bring your shoulder blades together, stretching exactly from the shoulder blades, with your gaze directed upward.
- Hold your breath in this position for 5-10 seconds, then with an inhalation return to the starting position, straightening your back. Lower your arms. Repeat this complex five more times.
Butterfly pose (Baddha Konasana)
Improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, stimulates the production of sex hormones, helps to open the hip joints, relieves menstrual pain.
- Sit on your buttocks, bending your legs in front of you, connecting the soles of the feet.
- Wrap your feet in a toe lock.
- Straighten the spinal column, lengthen the neck, with the top of the head reaching upward
- Perform springy up-and-down movements with your knees. As you inhale, guide your knees upward, and as you exhale, lower them downward.
Thoracic spine flexion pose
Kriya brings our heart center into balance, making it more open. It stimulates the body’s endocrine system and calms the mind.
- Sit with your legs crossed in front of you. Put the palms of your hands on the kneecaps.
- Straighten your back, lengthen your neck, take your shoulders away from your ears.
- As you inhale, gently push your chest forward, taking air into your lungs, pull your chin slightly upward.
- As you exhale, round your back, put your chin in the hole between the collarbones on the rib cage, holding your hands on your knees, push yourself even more backwards, twist your tailbone under yourself.
- Repeat the forward and backward movements 20 more times, synchronizing the movements with your breathing. On the inhalation the chest tends forward, on the exhalation the spine rounds and becomes humped.
Frog pose (Bhekasana-Mandukasana).
Asana harmonizes the root chakra Muladhara, which is responsible for our sense of security in the world. Besides, on the physical level asana perfectly strengthens hips, tightens pelvic floor muscles, prevents internal organ prolapse, makes legs slender, strengthens arms, abs, gets rid of digestive disorders. On a psychological level, it gets rid of depression and obsessive compulsive states.
- Stand in a table pose, on all fours, wrists are under the shoulders.
- Slowly begin to spread the knees in different directions from each other and stop in the most comfortable for yourself stretch on the inner surface of the thighs.
- Make sure that the body is parallel to the floor, tighten the abdomen and tense the abs.
- Pull your pelvis back towards your heels.
- Place your elbows on the floor, forearms facing each other.
- Slowly with an inhalation rock your pelvis forward, and on exhalation – backward.
- Do 5-7 cycles of rocking, then stay in a comfortable point for 30 seconds, breathe deeply and slowly.
Cat-Cow (Marjariasana)
Kriya harmonizes all seven chakras, adjusts the endocrine system, musculoskeletal system, circulatory and lymphatic systems. Provides mobility of the spine.
- Stand on all fours, wrists are under the shoulders, knees – above the pelvic bones.
- On the inhale, flex the spine downward, lowering the lumbar spine, looking in front of you, lengthening the neck.
- As you exhale, round your spine, chin resting on your chest, gaze directed toward your navel. Tuck your tailbone inward, push off the mat with your hands, further rounding your spine.
- Repeat the movements of flexion and rounding for 2-5 minutes, moving smoothly and gently, engaging each vertebra.
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Beneficial for the thyroid gland, opens the throat and heart chakra. Develops the respiratory system, lumbar and thoracic muscles.
- Lie on your stomach, legs straightened, palms lying in front of your head and resting on the mat.
- Take a deep breath, with an exhalation push your palms off the floor, straightening your arms at the elbows.
- Bend at the waist, gaze straight ahead, hips and pubic bone pressed against the mat, and the abdomen trying to get off the floor.
- Stay in this asana for 30 seconds, breathing deeply and measured.
Awakens the root chakra, promotes grounding and purification of the body. Greatly opens the hip joints, stretches the leg muscles, relaxes the body and mind.
- Sit on your buttocks, bend your right leg in front of you at the knee joint.
- Grasp the foot of the left leg with the palms of your hands and place it on the right thigh, trying to pull the heel of the foot closer to the groin.
- Straighten your back, put your palms together in front of you in the gesture “Namaste”, close your eyes, direct your inner gaze to the interbrow space, breathe deeply and steadily, staying in this asana from 30 seconds to one minute.
- Repeat the same for the opposite leg.
Dynamic twists
This kriya awakens energy in the solar plexus chakra, establishes our connection with the world, promotes self-realization, at the level of the physical body – makes the spine flexible, improves the digestive system, strengthens the abs and arms.
- Sitting on the floor, cross your legs in front of you, straighten the spinal column.
- Spread your arms to the sides, bending them at the elbows, the fingers of the hands look up, into the sky.
- Keep your forearms parallel to the ground and your elbows in line with your shoulders.
- Bring the pads of your thumb and index finger together in Jnyana (Gyan) mudra, the mudra of knowledge.
- Take an inhale and twist the body to the right side, on exhale turn the body to the left side.
- Repeat twisting to the sides for another minute, synchronizing the movements with the breath.
Cat pulls
Asana relaxes the body, stretches the leg muscles, strengthens the lumbar spine.
- Lie on your back, straightening your legs and stretching your arms behind your head. Press your spine against the mat.
- Bend the right leg at the knee, put the foot behind the left leg and twist to the left side. Keep your lower back pressed against the mat.
- Reach up with your arms. Stay in the twist for 30 seconds to one minute and then repeat the same on the left leg, twisting to the right side.
Gluteal half bridge
This asana stimulates the work of abdominal organs, genitals, stimulates blood circulation in the pelvis, strengthens the muscles of legs, buttocks, shoulders and shoulder blades, develops sensuality.
- From lying on your back, stretch straight arms along the body, bend your legs at the knees, resting on the feet. Press your lower back against the mat.
- With an inhale, pull your pelvis off the floor, reach upwards with your pubic bone, tense your buttocks and clench them.
- Try to direct your shoulder blades toward each other, bringing them together.
- With an exhale, smoothly land your pelvis on the mat. Repeat the dynamic exercise 10-15 times.
Spiritual and physical are two interrelated elements that complement each other and lead to happiness and well-being. While devoting time to one, don’t forget to attend to the other.