What happens if you do a belly vacuum every day?

Can I do a belly vacuum every day? Who should not do a vacuum?

Let’s deal with the master trainer.

Creating a vacuum in the abdomen will help to reduce the waist, correct posture, increase the volume of the lungs, strengthen the internal muscles of the abdomen, thanks to which it will tone and retract. We tell you what can be dangerous vacuum and whether you should do it every day.

Anastasia Yurkova

Master trainer of X-Fit group programs in Russia

Vacuum is an excellent exercise for toning the transverse abdominal muscle. It is the one responsible for tightness (abdominal flatness). Its weak tone often causes excessive strain on the lower back.

What is a vacuum?

Vacuum is an exercise for a flat tummy, which can be performed anywhere and anytime. Its roots can be traced back to ancient yoga – and it has regained popularity.

Back in the heyday of bodybuilding, or bodybuilding, in the mid-20th century, vacuum exercises allowed Arnold Schwarzenegger to maximize his abs and make his stomach taut, some believe.

Regularly performing the vacuum:

  • tightens the abdomen;
  • improves gastrointestinal function;
  • relieves lower back tension;
  • prevents genitourinary problems;
  • improves blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and the work of all internal organs;
  • prevents stagnation in the body.

What is better: vacuum or regular abs exercises?

To effectively perform the exercise, you must learn to retract the abdomen, engaging the internal muscles. The transverse abdominal muscle is located under the internal oblique muscle, so it is not easy to reach it.

During classic abs exercises, such as lying down, the transverse abdominis is not engaged. By resting your hands on your knees or on the floor, you “turn off” the abs and reach the transverse muscle.

Like any other exercise, vacuum has contraindications and is not suitable for everyone who wants to correct posture or get a slim waist. If you are not sure that the exercise is suitable for you, or if you experience pain during the exercise, you should consult a specialist.

Anastasia: Vacuum should not be performed during periods, pregnancy, uterine diseases, acute infectious diseases of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, exacerbations of chronic digestive diseases, thromboembolic disease, as well as malignant tumors of any localization.

Do not perform vacuum and during rehabilitation after surgery in the abdomen and pelvis. It is also impossible to perform vacuum on a full stomach. Since the last meal should be at least an hour and a half. Ideally, it should be performed on an empty stomach in the morning.

Can I do the vacuum every day?

Anastasia: The exercise is simple, it is performed in series of 3-4 approaches, each for 20-40 seconds, so it is not difficult to do it regularly every day. Since its main task is to increase the endurance of the transverse abdominal muscles, performing it daily is the best option to get results.

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