What happens if you eat only buckwheat for a week? Nutritionist

What happens if you eat only buckwheat for a week? Nutriciologist tells us

What happens if you eat only buckwheat for a week?

With such monodiets should be careful, says Elena Doronkina.

Is buckwheat so useful? Can it be eaten for a whole week in a row?

Let’s find out together with a nutritionist.

Perhaps, no dietary meal can do without buckwheat. This cereal not only contains many useful microelements, but also contributes to weight loss. But what happens to the body if you eat only buckwheat groats for seven days?

Elena Doronkina

nutrition expert, founder of the GetVegetable nutrition delivery service.

Buckwheat is one of the most popular products for weight loss. Eating it, you will forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time and you will snack less.

Can I eat buckwheat for a whole week?

Elena: The first question that arises in this case – is it not harmful to eat buckwheat every day? No, it is not harmful. It will satisfy your hunger for a long time (because it is a slow carbohydrate). And besides, it is included in many different diets recommended by doctors around the world. Therefore, it is perfectly safe to include it in your daily diet.

Among other things, buckwheat

  • energizes you for the whole day thanks to its caloric content;
  • if you are engaged in sports, buckwheat will help to recover muscles faster, toning them;
  • preserves and maintains heart health;
  • normalizes sleep, improves psycho-emotional state;
  • strengthens bones;
  • prevents anemia, reduces hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • improves skin, hair, nails;
  • does not contribute to weight gain, it is low in carbohydrates.

Elena: Buckwheat contains all the most important nutrients and vitamins. It also has iron salts and folic acid.It is an effective product for iron deficiency anemia. It contains magnesium – it gets rid of excess fluid from the body. Thanks to the low glycemic index, buckwheat will reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, which is also a big plus, especially for diabetics.

How to properly cook buckwheat, we have already told here.

What happens if you eat buckwheat for a week straight?


  • Perhaps the main plus of the buckwheat diet is weight loss (about 2-4 kg);
  • the body receives useful vitamins and minerals;
  • reduces cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • improves the condition of hair, skin, nails;
  • it is easier to wake up in the morning, as the stomach is not filled.


  • No feeling of satiety;
  • high probability of failure;
  • you quickly get bored of eating the same food;
  • feeling tired, foggy in the head;
  • bad mood, irritability.

Elena: Eating only one product is called a mono-diet. So you can lose up to 15 kg of excess weight in a week. Of course, it will be a great stress for the body. Such a diet can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The minus of this approach is also that you can at some point snap and harm the body.

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