What is useful to sleep on the floor and who should not do it. The doctor told me

What is useful to sleep on the floor and who should not do it. The doctor told me

Irina Yuzup

What is the benefit of sleeping on the floor and who should not do it

An orthopedic mattress is good, but it’s not free. What about the alternative?

Irina Yuzup

MD, pediatrician, nutriciologist, co-founder of UniProf Academy of Physicians.

Is it useful to sleep on the floor? Who can and cannot do it?

Our ancient ancestors slept in caves, then on lavits, hard surfaces of stoves, on the floor. Many nomadic tribes still sleep without featherbeds and mattresses, using a hand as a pillow. And in Japan, sleeping on the floor is considered commonplace. It is biologically normal to sleep on a flat, hard surface.

The firm support and natural rolling over during sleep can also be compared to a chiropractic massage – the effect on muscles, nerve endings and biologically active points.

Another benefit of sleeping on the floor is the cool and clean air. Since the warm air rises up, and the cold air stays down.

In addition, sooner or later microorganisms accumulate in blankets and pillows. Often they become the cause of allergies. Sleeping on the floor in a futon or on a gymnastic mat avoids this problem.

It can be said that in the natural position of the body, all organs also work naturally, without any clamps or kinks.

Who still shouldn’t sleep on the floor

Sleeping on the floor at night has a few contraindications.

  • Any specific diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, intervertebral hernias, etc.) require special conditions for sleeping, you should discuss the issue with your doctor beforehand.
  • You should not sleep on the floor if your immune defense is weakened, if there are drafts or if the room is poorly heated.

You should not sleep on a bare “board”. For a comfortable position, it is better to lay a mat, futon or loose blanket. It is also better to avoid blowing places, areas near radiators and air conditioners.

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