What to do while standing in traffic. 9 useful ideas to help you distract yourself

Russians spend about a week a year in traffic jams. During this time, you could go on a full-fledged vacation and have a good rest somewhere outside your hometown. Residents of megacities stand in traffic jams at any time of the day, and despite the fact that in general this situation has become more of an everyday occurrence than an unfortunate coincidence, people continue to be nervous. American scientists have found out that stress in traffic jams can lead to mental disorders within 10 years. We’re sure that’s an outcome no one wants. We’ve found a few ways to spend time in traffic to the benefit of yourself and companions who are in the same car with you.

Do gymnastics

Who is suitable for: all participants of traffic.

Yes, yes, even sitting in the car it is more than real and very healthy. Do a light warm-up for your neck and shoulders, twist your elbows in different directions, bend left-right and back and forth to relieve tension in your back and lower back. You can do a “vacuum” exercise for the abs.

Also, when driving, our eyes often get tired. So eye exercises would also be a great way to do something good for your health. Rotate your eyes in a circle, look first to the left, then to the right a few times. Try shifting your gaze from near objects to far objects.

Play games

Suitable for: all road users.


If there are at least two of you in the car, this is a great option. Remember how the main character of the series “The Queen’s Move” mentally built a chessboard on the ceiling and played games? There is a simpler analog of such a game – “The Fly”. Mentally draw a board of cells 3×3 or 5×5 and “plant” in the center of the imaginary board fly. Each player calls one move: the fly can move back and forth and left and right. Important: the fly cannot return to the previous cell. The point of the game is not to let the fly “fly away”, i.e. go outside the board. Whoever gets the fly to fly away loses.

“I put in my bag…”

It is interesting to play this game when there are many companions. The first player says the phrase “I put in my bag” and names an object (headphones, candy, napkins – anything). Next, each participant must add another item to the “bag” without forgetting to mention the previous one. The one who forgets to name something from the existing list loses. It is desirable that the company has a host who will write down the items that have already appeared in the “bag”.

“Guess where the song is from.”

You can suggest that your companions try to guess songs from movies or games. Turn on different tracks in turn and think about where you might have heard them.

By the way, you can play these games with children. They are especially stuffy in long traffic jams, so you will definitely find something to keep them busy.

Find out where your entire paycheck goes

Suitable for: more commuters.

We’re sure that the days when money arrives on the card are very happy days for everyone. But it also happens that most of your paycheck goes somewhere almost the next day. Time in traffic is a great time to find out where most of the funds are going. Look in your banks mobile apps to see how much you spend per month and on what. You might find that spending on coffee isn’t worth it at all. Or you might find other items you can save well on.

Listen to an audiobook or lecture

Who it’s good for: all road users.

This is a versatile option to engage in self-education. Audiobooks and lectures are now really a lot and for all tastes. If you want to relax your brain and immerse yourself in another world, listen to works of fiction. Children can include a fairy tale, and it is not excluded that you will also listen. Or you can do self-development and listen to something informative. We have already collected a list of audiobooks for walking and jogging, but we are sure that these works can be listened to in traffic.

Call your loved ones

Who it’s good for: all road users.

As time goes by, we become more and more distant from our parents. Work, hobbies, household chores take up a lot of time, and sometimes there is not even one free minute. Traffic jams are full of free time, and instead of getting angry, dial your warmest and favorite phone number. Tell your family about the latest news, discuss some topics that are important to you or just tell them that you love them. Remember that parents will appreciate any sign of your attention. Just like friends, a call to a close friend or girlfriend is definitely not unnecessary.

Build a faster route

Who it’s good for: more of a driver.

Why not? Navigators often suggest optimal ways to avoid traffic jams, and if you monitor the situation more often, you can find a way out. And if you know the city well, you can bypass the traffic jam, for example, in the backyards and arrive at your destination a little earlier. Even if you manage to get out of the traffic five minutes faster, your mood will still improve. Of course, if you incorporate positive thinking.

Practice your memory

Who it’s good for: more commuters.

When was the last time you memorized a poem? We’re assuming it was back in high school. So why not return to this enjoyable activity now. Memorizing poems, song lyrics or even short lines of affirmations will not only help you calm down, but will also train your memory. And if you know English, you’ll also pump up your language.

Learn the rules of the road

Suitable for: passengers.

This option, of course, is only for passengers who dream of getting a license. Your driving companion should know all the rules. Observe him, pay attention to the road signs on the way and ask at every opportunity what they mean. Ask what a person is doing behind the wheel and why he acted that way in a particular situation. Of course, such practice will not replace driving school, but you will gain some knowledge.

Disassemble and clean your messengers

For whom it is suitable: morefor passengers.

Admit it, are there those who have red labels on social networks in their smartphones passed the 500 mark? Nowadays, people communicate more often in messages, and especially business travelers sometimes don’t even have time to reply to their friends. In a traffic jam, you can start sorting through the “rubble” of old messages. You may find that a month ago you didn’t reply to a friend’s sparkling joke or didn’t read an important message from a client. And how long ago and, most importantly, why did you subscribe to that channel over there? “Correspondence” is sometimes very useful to sort out, and in traffic you will definitely have time for it.

By the way, if you are standing in a traffic jam right now, you have free time and you care a lot about environmental issues, we recommend you to read this article.

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