Why do married people live longer and how can singles improve their chances?

Scientists have found out that bachelor men are most prone to early mortality. The explanation is simple – married couples are more likely to experience positive emotions. But what about those who have chosen loneliness?

Vera Fomina

psychologist-acmeologist, business coach, consulting specialist

A person is unique in itself. But even a harmonious person needs society. And from birth. The formation of character is formed through receiving information from people around. The child begins to socialize in the family, yard, kindergarten, school. Growing up, he communicates with like-minded people, colleagues, friends. What can this mean? It’s simple. People are predisposed to be surrounded by people like themselves!

Why does a person become lonely? Here can affect different factors and circumstances. For example, such as:

  • negative experiences with people in the past;
  • other priorities and values. For example, career at this stage of life is more important than creating a family;
  • your own development. The bar for a life partner is raised. This means that you can spend years in search of a worthy candidate;
  • fear of losing loved ones.

It is important to remember that loneliness (a short period) has pluses. A person can better cognize himself. But one should not get carried away. In the long run, it carries harm on the mental and even physical levels.

What are the effects of loneliness?

Everything is spoiled by stress. Today’s high rhythm of life forces us to forget about harmony. We are simply deprived of time for quality discharge, which will relieve tension.

A lonely person has no one to share his worries, fears. The hormone cortisol with prolonged stimulation causes malfunctions in physical processes. For example, it disrupts the relaxation of muscles, vessels. Drives to spasms without the possibility of normal blood and oxygen circulation. Hence pressure fluctuations, distortion of nerve impulses, inhibition of the release of positive neurotransmitters and stimulants.

The body unconsciously chooses to get rid of such a condition. That is why there are hang-ups, promiscuous sexual relations, harmful habits and behaviors. On the mental level: irritability, breakdowns, apathy. The bottom line is a shortened life expectancy.

Here are 5 tips from a neuropsychologist that will help you stay young without Botox and miracle elixirs.

Why do married people live longer? Of course, they too have conflicts and stressful situations, but there is an opportunity to get support. Often that realization alone is enough. What happens? Such people come to a normal state faster, without destroying their body. By the way, the bigger the family – the more support.

What to do if you are a loner?

Yes, it is easier for married couples, but this does not mean that you need to break your own principles. Dragging the first man in the registry office is also not worth it. What to do then? Work on the quality of life and realize your needs in communication and care.

1. Include in everyday life prevention from stress

  • Rest. It is important to make time for your body to recover. Don’t forget about calming the mind as well. We are talking about walking in the fresh air, watching positive movies, reading books.
  • Healthy sleep. An excellent defense against stressful situations. It is necessary to lie down at the same time, exclude the use of coffee and alcohol a few hours before sleep, ventilate the bedroom.
  • Sports. Choose a type of physical activity suitable for you. It can be dancing, walking, and the gym.
  • Massage. Direct impact on the body helps to relieve clamps and tension. This means that relaxation will come.

2. Have a pet, take care of plants

Communicating with pets increases the production of oxytocin. The hormone, in turn, reduces cortisol levels. Caring for cats and dogs helps to improve heart function, lower blood pressure.

Plants release essential oils. They have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person, and also saturate the apartment with oxygen.

3. master new hobbies

The process will help distract from stress and negative thoughts. It is important that the occupation you like and bring pleasure. Even 15 minutes a day will significantly improve your condition.

4. Do charity work

The principle of “helping others, we help ourselves” applies here. How does it work? When a person does good, several hormones are released in the brain at once. These are oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine. They increase mood and reduce cortisol levels. As a result, there is no stress.

The above points are instructions to help you deal with the destructive side of loneliness. And it is also very important to see positive moments in your life, not focusing on how things are going for others – former classmates, colleagues, etc. To pump up this skill, catch the INSTRUCTION from a psychologist.
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