Why is it harder to wake up in the fall and how do you deal with it?

Gosha Semyonov

CEO of sleep products company Blue Sleep

What is seasonal insomnia? Can fall depression trigger sleep problems? How to improve your sleep and mood during the dreariest time of the year?

Everyone has experienced fall slumber at least once: depressed mood, chronic fatigue, insomnia. Problems with sleep – a frequent phenomenon in the change of seasons. It is especially difficult during this period to wake up and get out from under the blanket in the morning, because it is still dark outside the window. Let’s understand the causes of the fall ailment.

Why can it be difficult to get up in the morning?

If it is difficult to get up in the morning, it indicates an existing sleep disorder.

Lack of sunlight
Often it is during the changing seasons that we begin to experience problems with sleep and morning awakening. In the summer time, the malaise is caused by hot weather and short nights, but in the fall period it is exactly the opposite. Due to the lack of natural light, we have to make do with only artificial light, and this imbalance affects the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for the quality of sleep.

Melatonin also ensures the smooth functioning of the endocrine, immune, nervous, digestive systems. Therefore, it is on these places hits the lack of healthy sleep. Immediately we can note the consequences of insomnia, if inaction: hypertension, stroke, colds, depression. The lack of heat and light also disrupts circadian rhythms.

Fall moping
Insomnia can be a symptom of depression, and depression, in turn, provokes sleep problems. But it’s worth noting that a worsening mood due to the arrival of cold weather is not a clinical diagnosis, unlike depression. Still, you need to be on guard, because grayness outside the window, cold weather and lack of light can be a trigger for existing depression. Whereas just the change of season will never be the cause of the disorder.

Exacerbations of chronic illnesses
Fall is the season of exacerbations of chronic illnesses, and any disorder in the body can affect the quality of sleep and ease of waking up. Apnea, restless leg syndrome, hypertension, diabetes – and these are just some of the diseases that affect the quality of sleep. Therefore, the problem of insomnia should not be devalued. It makes sense to pay attention to the slightest manifestations of the disorder.

Healthy lifestyle
Alcohol, cigarettes, fast food – the worst enemies on the way to healthy sleep. But a healthy diet will be a helper. For example, apricots contain magnesium, important in the fight against stress, and in sour milk products and whole-grain bread there is tryptophan – the precursor of the good mood hormone serotonin. Late meals should also be refrained from.

Evening ritual
Take your bedtime routine seriously. Get rid of the habit of flipping through social media feeds, read a book and brew some herbal tea. Air out the room before going to bed, light your favorite candles and leave the difficult conversations for the morning. Sleep should be associated with calmness and safety, then the chances of getting a good night’s sleep and getting up easily increase.

Sleeping should be comfortable. Mattress, pillow and bedding should be chosen wisely. Favor natural materials, and the mattress and pillow should be individually selected in the orthopedic department.

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