10 qualities a strong personality should possess. Check yourself

The modern rhythm of life requires us to be stress-resistant, responsible, multitasking and many other qualities. To cultivate these skills, you need to have a strong character and will. What qualities define a strong personality today? Let’s find out with experts.

Denis Fedorjaka

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, holder of the European Certificate in Psychotherapy

An important quality of a strong personality is a strong, steady, stable system of relations (connections).

The basic foundation of personality is a person’s attitude to himself. A strong personality understands and realizes who he/she is, what strengths and weaknesses are, what he/she wants and what he/she lives for. That is, the most important quality is an honest look at oneself and a clear system of values. In addition, a strong personality not only has a system of values (what I live for), but also follows it in practice. Having quality relationships with other people is another important sign of a strong personality.

If a person is afraid to admit his weaknesses, tends to exaggerate, behaves inconsistently (says one thing and does another), this is a weak personality. In the case of constant problems in his personal life, conflicts with others, when a person is difficult to create a family or a couple – this also indicates his weakness.

A strong personality attracts people due to the ability to build relationships. As the saying goes, “who is a gentleman? It is the one with whom everyone around him feels like a gentleman.”

Ulyana Magical

owner of three businesses, entrepreneurial coach

Strength comes from applying qualities, and qualities as a skill can be developed. So if you don’t find a quality on the list that you have, don’t despair, it can be acquired.

From my experience in business and mentoring, I will highlight the following qualities inherent in a strong personality:

  1. Manifestation. Making yourself known to the world without fear.
  2. Acting out of self-interest. Choosing yourself first and foremost.
  3. The ability to assert one’s boundaries and say no. Sometimes even opportunities need to be said “no” if they take you away from your main goal.
  4. Perseverance. Following your plan, even when it’s scary, painful, incomprehensible.
  5. Communication skills and the ability to negotiate. Building long-term relationships with people, respecting the principle of “win-win”.
  6. Curiosity and inquisitiveness. Demonstrated interest in new opportunities. Ability to learn. Being an explorer rather than an observer.
  7. A focus on the positive. The ability to see the best in people, situations and even mistakes.
  8. The ability to recognize mistakes. And use the experience gained through a mistake.
  9. Faith in yourself and in others.
  10. Focusing not on the problem but on the task at hand. The ability to shift focus and not get stuck in despair. Strength is not in the one who does not fall, but in the one who gets up quickly after a fall.

How does one become a strong individual?

You need to either build or realize your “axis” – your attitude to yourself. Everything else depends on it. This attitude can be seen in three planes:

  • cognitive (how one thinks about oneself);
  • emotional (how one feels about oneself);
  • behavioral (what a person does in reality).

All three must coincide.

For example, a person thinks of himself that he is bad because he hurt a friend, feels guilty, and walks around moping, depressed, etc. This is an example of a weak personality, there is a mismatch in behavior. After all, a strong personality will go and apologize to the friend.

In life, we usually automatically build relationships with ourselves and people. As we were once taught to do. Over time, new information accumulates, it must be integrated into the personality. And become stronger.

This is what this work is for – to look inside yourself, to realize and correct (if necessary) your attitude to yourself through the analysis and examples of everyday situations. It is extremely difficult to do it yourself, because the psyche has a lot of barriers, defenses to protect yourself from the truth (which is not always pleasant).

But here it is important not to overdo it, because in any case the measure is important. In pursuit of the best version of yourself, you can push away others and earn psychological problems.

Ulyana: According to my observations, there is no better way than learning from experience. Analyze the whole list. What are you missing?

  • Find a person who is unambiguously strong in a particular item and put his strategies into practice.
  • Model his or her behavior on a particular issue.
  • Practice tools that work for others on a daily basis.

If you implement new actions every day just 1% more than you did yesterday, you will be 365% more effective from today’s point in a year. This will be your biggest step towards gaining power and expanding your personality. And in the previous material we told you what useful things you can take from different types of people for your own productivity.

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