5 basic exercises for beautiful buttocks that every girl should master

5 basic exercises for beautiful buttocks that every girl should master

Gluteal exercises

Try to learn how to do these exercises correctly before tackling the more complicated ones.

Elena Starostina

Fitness Trainer

What basic buttocks exercises do you need to know how to do?

Tight buttocks require long and hard workouts. If you are still new to the sport, first master the base with little or no weight and only then proceed to more complex complex complexes. We have chosen five exercises for the butt, which every girl should be able to do.

Back lunges

Execution technique

  • Starting position – feet at the width of the pelvis, stand straight. Hands are either down or stretched forward.
  • Transfer the body weight to the working leg. Inhale: pull the supporting leg back, rest on the toe. At the same time, squat down on the working leg.
  • The body is in a straight position, with a natural bend in the lower back. The knee of the working leg does not go beyond the toe line.
  • On exhalation push off the working leg from the floor and rise up.

Gluteal bridge


  • Starting position is lying on your back. The lower back is tightly pressed to the floor. Legs are bent at the knees and stand at shoulder width. Arms – along the torso, feet – on the floor.
  • As you inhale, lift your hips and lower back. The buttocks are tight, the abs are tense.
  • Hold in the upper position, exhale and return to the starting position.

Romanian barbell pull

Do not round the lower back during the exercise, as this can lead to injury.

Execution technique

  • Place the barbell at the level of the hips. Put the feet close to each other, look forward, pelvis pulled back, back straight.
  • As you exhale, pull the pelvis back, the bar slides down the thighs.
  • As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Bulgarian lunges with dumbbells


  • Take dumbbells and approach the bench with your back. With the left leg make a wide step forward, and the right one is placed on the bench, the support – on the top of the foot. Hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body.
  • On the working leg perform a squat, thigh – parallel to the floor. The knee does not go beyond the toe.
  • Keep the toe on the floor, the body maintains an even position and a natural bend in the back.
  • The knee of the supporting leg is calmly lowered down.
  • Push off the floor with the heel and return to the starting position.

Do this complex 2-3 times a week with a comfortable weight for you and the number of approaches and repetitions. This will help your buttocks to become firm and beautiful.

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