5 drinks that will help boost your immune system

Maria Kulesova

expert biochemist of the company “Barrier”

What drinks improve immunity? What to prepare useful for health?

Increase the protective properties of the body in the cold season is a necessary measure that reduces the risks of colds and flu. In addition to pharmacy remedies created specifically to increase immunity (used only by doctor’s prescription), you can and should drink tasty and healthy drinks. These can be teas and collections with natural ingredients, as well as drinks prepared at home from available ingredients.

Infusion of rose hips

Among useful winter drinks, rosehip infusion is probably the leader. These red berries contain many times more vitamin C than lemon and currants. In addition, they contain a lot of flavonoids and tannins – together they increase immunity.

To prepare rosehip tea, you need to brew a tablespoon of berries in a glass of boiling water and heat on a water bath for 10-15 minutes. After that, give the drink to infuse for 20-30 minutes, squeeze the grounds and strain. More benefits and effects will be obtained when using the drink 100 ml twice a day after meals.

Tea from sea buckthorn berries

Sea buckthorn – a valuable natural product, a good support for the nervous system, a means to strengthen immunity. It has a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, iron, carotene. Sea buckthorn tea with berries can fill the daily requirement of the body in vitamins. It relieves physical condition in colds and coughs, improves the work of the respiratory tract, as well as reduces blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and heart.

Cranberry morsels restore metabolism, removes toxins from the body, and the potassium contained in it keeps the heart normal. In addition, an excellent addition to cranberry morses will be water enriched with magnesium, necessary for the body in environmental conditions. For this purpose, you can use a special filter.

To get the maximum benefit from cranberries, you need to crush 500 g of berries with a blender, strain them, add sugar, 300 ml of purified water and put on the stove. After boiling, mix with cranberry juice.

Drink from rowanberries

This is a powerful antioxidant. Due to its diuretic properties, the drink from rowan removes toxins from the body. And carotene, vitamin C, sorbic, oxalic and folic acids strengthen the immune system.

You can make the drink even more “rejuvenating” if you brew it on water with zinc. Zinc is responsible for maintaining the beauty of hair and nails and for good metabolism. So, 90% of zinc the body assimilates from water, so it is important that it was enough of this trace element.

Kissel from dogwood is prepared easily and is able to increase blood glucose levels and improve the enzymatic activity of the pancreas. This is especially useful for people with diabetes.

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