6 ways to stop wasting your energy

Most people only feel calm and confident when they are busy all the time. We are taught from childhood that it is not good to be idle. As a result, even when we don’t have anything serious to do, we immediately start looking for things to do on our own or skillfully fake being busy. This gives us the feeling that we are not wasting our time and that we are not wasting our lives.

Alexander Sinyutin

PhD in sociology, coach, business trainer

“In reality, imitation of activity and empty puffing of cheeks carry nothing positive in themselves, and vanity has nothing to do with creative activity”.

Where does energy go?

The magic question that saves you from unnecessary activity is: “Why?”. It’s important to ask it to ourselves more often.

We can start asking ourselves regularly:

  • “Why am I going there?”;
  • “Why do I want to meet this person?”;
  • “Why am I in a hurry?”;
  • “Why should I discuss this topic?”;
  • “Why should I do this job?”; etc.

We tend to spend a lot of time and energy on feigning busyness and hustle. But there are other things that eat up just as much of our inner resources. One of them is worry.

Troubles happen to all of us sometimes. This is normal, no one is immune from them. However, all people overcome troubles in different ways. Someone manages to ignore them altogether. I guess they are some kind of super people with superpowers.

Someone worries a little, then tries to solve the problem and, having done so, lets it go. They don’t spend any more time or energy on it.

Most people prefer to savor their troubles. We like to exaggerate any problem, often inventing emotional details about the situation that were not really there. This gives us a reason to worry even more. Then we enjoy wallowing in our own powerlessness and self-pity.

We don’t want to solve anything, but want to be pitied. We even give ourselves high blood pressure and headaches. At such times, we are most reminiscent of Carlson from the famous Soviet cartoon. When he didn’t get another portion of jam, the sly man would wrap a towel around his head and start wailing, “Oh! I am the most miserable Carlson in the world!

Then we would go and tell our friends about our troubles, then our acquaintances, and then everyone else. This process can take a long time. Each time we retell the “horror story” to a new person, we again emotionally immerse ourselves in it, tickle our nerves, and feel victimized by circumstances (or some villains). In general, we have a blast!

By repeatedly sucking on and mulling over every unpleasantness, you can even make yourself sick. But there is another option: to say to yourself “stop” and start living normally, not dwelling on problems, but solving them. It is worth remembering that we create most of them ourselves.

Another opportunity to waste time and energy is to reminisce about past losses. One has had an unrequited love, another has been cheated or even betrayed, another has been mistreated as a child by his or her parents. All of this can be pulled out of the secret recesses of the soul at any time, piled on the table in front of us, and plunged into such delicious and at the same time useless whining.

We know very well that if we suddenly do not have enough current problems for constant worrying, childhood resentments will always “come to the rescue”. This is an emotional simulator that has been tested over the years and never misfires or fails.

Instead of all of the above, it is worth trying to start living a useful and enjoyable life. Try to find something you enjoy doing. Take an art class or even a motorcycle school. You can go to a community of completely new people. For example, attend some business breakfast, which are now held everywhere.

The best way to replace all the empty tinsel of life, which habitually takes away our energy and eats up time, is to find yourself as many really interesting things to do. And then you have to force yourself to do it all regularly. A movie will not watch itself, an exhibition will not visit itself, and a motorcycle will not ride itself!

Let’s summarize and formulate six simple rules that will help you stop wasting too much time and energy.

How to stop wasting energy? 6 rules

1. Stop fidgeting and imitating activity. More often ask yourself the question: “Why?”.

2. When encountering trouble, worry only a little, then try to solve the problem and forget about it.

3. Do not savor, do not multiply your troubles, telling everyone about them. Get rid of this habit as soon as possible. Find other topics to talk about with people. Leave the discussion of problems to talk to a psychologist. 4.

4- Leave the past in the past. No one is asking you to forget childhood offenses. Yes, they were and have affected you. But! Childhood is over! You can put all the resentments behind you and start rejoicing right now. At least in the fact that childhood resentments are a thing of the past.

5. Limit your time on social media. Spending a lot of time there is very enjoyable. Watch funny videos, etc. If you know you are spending a lot on this activity, start forcibly limiting yourself. Reduce the hours you spend on the internet. Hang in there, don’t give in to temptation. You can do it!

6. Think of useful, interesting activities. Add them to your daily schedule and don’t skip them. It is necessary to train yourself to live in joy, and all the unpleasant experiences slowly push out of your life, replacing them with something positive.

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