allergist-immunologist of the Omnius multidisciplinary clinic
Food allergy is nothing but the result of a pathological reaction of the immune system to certain food proteins. Non-protein additives are very rare.
This disease has been known since ancient times, but the peak occurred in the second half of the XX century. Today this problem is also relevant. Gluten-free products, plant-based milk, lean meat and others are increasingly appearing in stores. Let’s understand why this can be dangerous.
What products cause allergies most often?
Most often hypersensitivity affects children, most of whom develop clinical tolerance over time. That is, they “outgrow” the disease, but the immune system response to some products can persist into adulthood. The prevalence of the disease, according to domestic and foreign experts, is 5-7% in children and 3-6% in adults.
It is important to realize that food allergy and food intolerance are two completely different concepts. The main difference is the absence of a dose-dependent effect. In the first case, even a small amount of protein is capable of causing a reaction from the immune system.
“Big eight” products
1. Milk. Occurs in children, as a rule, by school age it already passes. In the cow product is a large number of proteins, one or more of them and cause allergies. Therefore, it is recommended to find substitutes. For infants, soy-based breastfeeding mixtures have been developed. It is important to remember that most also cannot tolerate soy protein as well.
2. Eggs. Most of the allergens are found directly in the protein, but the yolk can also cause a reaction. Some people are comfortable consuming them in their boiled form, while others can’t stand to be in a room where they are whipped raw.
3- Peanuts. Of all foods, this one is considered the leading cause of developing a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction. It is classified as an aggressive allergen. Why? Too complex composition, which consists of many proteins (for example, vicilin, profilin, glycinin and conglutin). Both the kernel and cosmetics with peanut extracts can cause allergies.
4- Nuts. Most often the immune response is caused by hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios and macadamia. By the way, their composition is identical. Even a single kernel eaten can carry danger.
5. Fish. The reaction appears both on eating, cleaning, and on the odor when cooking. With age, hypersensitivity to this product, alas, does not pass.
6. Seafood. One of the most common allergens. What products most often cause hypersensitivity? Crustaceans and shellfish, but can also be shrimp, crab, lobster, squid, oysters, scallops.
7. Wheat. From the diet exclude all types of flour and derivative products: semolina, couscous, bulgur, semolina, wheat germ, bran, breadcrumbs. What to replace with. Corn or potato starch, rice flour.
8. Soybeans. Often used for food and industrial purposes. It is used to make milk, tofu, meat, sauce, miso.
It is worth noting that many related products containing homologous (molecularly similar) proteins can lead to the development of cross-reactivity. For example, some patients allergic to cow’s milk may have reactions to soy and beef, and those sensitized to egg may have reactions to chicken.
Clinical manifestations depend on the causative product, the key mechanism of reaction and the age of the patient. Thus, in children in the first year of life, the main irritants are cow’s milk proteins. This is expressed by a predominant skin lesion. We are talking about urticaria, allergic contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis.
Other symptoms may include damage to the respiratory tract (allergic rhinitis, laryngeal edema, cough, bronchial asthma), gastrointestinal tract (colitis, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, anorexia), cardiovascular system (tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbance, anaphylactic shock).
We would like to dwell a little more on the last case. Anaphylaxis is the most severe systemic reaction. It develops most often within a few minutes after the consumption of a causative product. Here, the main manifestations include:
- laryngeal edema;
- urticaria;
- coughing, bronchospasm;
- abdominal pain, diarrhea;
- vascular collapse.
Such patients should be carefully evaluated and informed of every risk factor that may lead to this immune system response.
Diagnosis of food allergy begins with a detailed collection of anamnesis. It includes clarification of the full list of suspected products, the time interval between the intake and the occurrence of the reaction, the amount of drug therapy carried out in order to control symptoms.
Subsequently, laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out. Based on the results, further recommendations are determined.
Treatment can be divided into two main principles – non-medication and medication.
The first option is applied with a mild course. Here it will be enough to appoint an elimination diet, which includes the complete exclusion of the causative product. It is important to refuse only food, the connection of which is established with the symptoms of hypersensitivity. That is, any diet should be justified.
In the second case, drug therapy is aimed at buying clinical manifestations. The main role here belongs to antihistamines. If we talk about food anaphylaxis, the main means of rescue is adrenaline.
As for the prevention of food allergies – there are many contradictions. In particular, there is no evidence of the preventive effect of following a strict hypoallergenic diet by the mother during pregnancy.
However, there are measures that can actually help reduce the risk of immune system hypersensitivity. These include: breastfeeding until three to four months of age, timely introduction of complementary foods, and consultation with an allergist-immunologist at the first signs of allergy.