Autumn vitaminosis. What vitamins is your body lacking?

With the arrival of fall, not only the weather outside the window changes, but also the state of the body. For weeks we can feel low mood, low energy, stress and illness. The cause of unstable condition is often the fall avitaminosis – lack of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. Their deficiency is quite compensable, it is only important to identify it in time.

To find out how seasonal vitamin deficiency manifests itself and how to treat it, we talked to Julia Engel, a health and beauty expert and founder of ENHEL Group Company.

Causes and Symptoms of Autumn Avitaminosis

During the sunny summer period we stock up on plenty of nutrients and feel healthy. However, it is with the arrival of cold weather that the first illnesses and signs that something is wrong with our body appear.

Julia: “The fact is that most of the vitamins accumulated during the summer do not stay for long – avitaminosis begins. The deficiency manifests itself in a strictly individual way, so it is up to the doctor to determine what vitamins your body is lacking after a full examination”.

An experienced specialist will accurately identify the deficiency of the necessary substances according to the results of tests. However, avitaminosis has external signs that you can notice yourself. Among them:

  • lowered mood, irritability;
  • general weakness and rapid fatigue;
  • headaches;
  • decreased appetite and nausea;
  • bleeding gums;
  • lacrimation;
  • brittle and dry hair and nails;
  • withering and flaking of the skin;
  • pigmentation or acne.

What substances are lacking in the body and how to help it?

Proper nutrition

Most often in the fall, the reserves of vitamins A, D, E, C, C, PP and group B suffer. First of all, they can be obtained from healthy food.

Julia: “Proper nutrition will help make up for the lack of vitamins. To do this, the diet should be balanced in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. A significant part of it should be carbohydrate and protein products. Of course, animal proteins contain a large number of amino acids and vitamins. If you eat only plant-based foods, you need supplements with the missing substances in your menu.”

So what foods contain the vitamins we need?

  • Vitamin A: butter, fish oil, milk, eggs, red and yellow colored fruits and vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, peaches, melon), liver.
  • Vitamin B1: cereals and dairy products.
  • Vitamin B2: meat, dairy products, liver, buckwheat and oat groats.
  • Vitamin B6: fish, chicken and beef meat, potatoes, nuts and beans.
  • Vitamin B12: meat, fish and seafood, dairy products, liver, kidneys, eggs.
  • Vitamin C: citrus fruits, apples, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, green onions, bell peppers, potatoes, black currants, kiwi, rose hips.
  • Vitamin D: fish, caviar and fish oil, cod liver, dairy products, eggs, parsley.
  • Vitamin PP: chicken and pork meat, fish, milk, eggs, cheese, broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, dates, carrots and cereals.

Increased activity and healthy sleep

Of course, exercise and being active throughout the day will help you achieve good health even during a tough fall. A great habit will be to exercise in the morning. It can be not only about full-fledged workouts, but also about a small jog or a walk at a moderate pace. On weekends, try not to spend the whole day in bed, and devote time to outdoor activities.

After a hard day’s work and a busy weekend, don’t forget to encourage yourself to take a long nap. In the period of fall avitaminosis it is needed more than ever.

Water balance

Maintaining water balance is an important way to improve your body’s health.

Julia: “Drinking at least 1.5 liters of water every day is the best detox of the body. Personally, I start every morning with hydrogen water. More energy appears, sleep becomes stronger, and the aging process slows down. It is scientifically proven that such water increases immunity by 30%. It provides water balance, promotes a great mood and improves the quality of life. In addition, water saturated with hydrogen, increases the effectiveness of vitamin complexes and has antihistamine properties. Doctors recommend taking it from an early age.”

Wellness procedures

To get rid of the fall avitaminosis will help and special health-improving procedures. For example, our expert recommends plasma therapy or a course of beauty drops.

Julia: “Plasmotherapy is a biological method that provides rapid, stable and lasting improvement of the skin, face and body. The concentration of active substances in plasma can be different – the optimal choice will help the doctor. And beauty drops increase the body’s resistance to toxic and infectious effects, regulate metabolism, saturate the body with vitamins and slow down the aging process.”

Alas, avitaminosis in the fall is inevitable, but there are many ways to cope with it and improve well-being and quality of life. The main thing is not to forget to take care of your mental health. And not only in the fall, but also at other times of the year.

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