Test: how to determine the real age of your body?
Test: how to determine the real age of your body? December 13, 2021, 21:15 MSC Simple tasks with which you can find out the state of your health.
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Why should you start skating? 7 good reasons from a coach
Kristina Kutepova Professional figure skating coach with 10 years of experience How is skating useful? Why should you try it? You can feel the beneficial effects of skating
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How does jogging exercise affect the brain? An experiment by Japanese scientists
How does jogging exercise affect the brain? An experiment by Japanese scientists December 16, 2021, 20:45 MSC Just 10 minutes is enough to see results. Is it true
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Why did people used to eat more but not get fat? Making sense of memes
Did eating more and less healthy used to be true? How did they manage to keep their figure? Let’s find out together with a nutritionist. The city goes
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How to lose weight with yoga? Slow workouts can be fat-burning too
hatha yoga teacher, yoga therapist Is it possible to lose weight with the help of yoga? Who is suitable for this method? We are used to the idea
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How to learn how to sleep properly, even if you are uncomfortable
family orthopedist of ORTEKA orthopedic salons How to learn to sleep properly? What habits will help you sleep better? From a health point of view, it is best
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Walking your dog can help you lose weight and improve your health. But it’s important to walk properly
Dog owners will understand: you don’t always want to go for a long walk, and sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house. Rain/snow/slush/storm warning/volcano eruption –
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6 signs that work is bad for your health
How do you realize that your job is bad for your health and it’s time to change it? Let’s find out together with a psychologist. When work makes
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Who is not allowed to go to the bathhouse? There are a few exceptions
physician, cardiovascular surgeon, member of the Russian Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons Are there contraindications to the bath? Who and when should not go there? Finns have
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What to do on New Year’s Eve if you don’t feel like celebrating at all?
What to do on New Year’s Eve if you don’t feel like having a party? What to do on December 31? We tell you together with an expert.
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